Power quest members!!!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2005
so what do you guys do in your spare time? do you like to party etc!!!??? also i was wondering , with the success of the band now , do you make a living or do you still have regular jobs? :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Yeah, I'm afraid I still hold down a day job as does Steve Scott. Alessio and Francesco are currently studying at University in Italy, while Andrea is a guitar teacher and session player back home in Italy.

Spare time....what's that? hahaha! Most of my spare time is spent on the band in some way...be it business stuff, website maintenance or music practice/song writing. I don't party as much as I used...just don't have the time....hehe!

Alessio and Andrea also play in the band Arthemis and Alessio also plays in a thrash band called Ground Control and an Ozzy tribute band (both in Italy)....where he finds the energy I'll never know. I guess I'm just getting old dude......hahahaha!
On the subject of Alessio's Ozzy Tribute band, have you seen the photo's of him from their website? He looks so strange dressed up as The Prince Of Darkness.


D'you recon he has the energy to do a gig as Power Quest, Arthemis, Ground Control AND The Miracle Madman without collapsing?

At least a Power Quest / Arthemis tour would be cheaper by the price of two people :)
Tonberry said:
On the subject of Alessio's Ozzy Tribute band, have you seen the photo's of him from their website? He looks so strange dressed up as The Prince Of Darkness.


D'you recon he has the energy to do a gig as Power Quest, Arthemis, Ground Control AND The Miracle Madman without collapsing?

At least a Power Quest / Arthemis tour would be cheaper by the price of two people :)

lol, damn, that's a new image I would never have imagined. :D
metaldan87 said:
so what do you guys do in your spare time? do you like to party etc!!!??? also i was wondering , with the success of the band now , do you make a living or do you still have regular jobs? :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

In my spare time I love to do 2 things :

- I playing/studying drums
- watching horror movies

I play also with a Motorhead tribute band ("Jokerhead"), with a prog metal band
("Anemnesi"), with a fusion band (no name yet, sorry!) and with a band playing
the jingles of old cartoons in rock version ("Toni ti anima la macchina").

Is there some horror fans?
heavenly said:
Can we hear some samples of your Toni ti anima la macchina please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or may be a review of a demo... :oD

At the moment we have only live recordings and they are horrible!

I' m sorry!

When I have a good recording I'll make you listen to it, but this band is especially
a live band because it'is funny to see people singing those jingles because everyone knows them ...everyone has been a child and have seen cartoons!!!
the drummer said:
When I have a good recording I'll make you listen to it, but this band is especially
a live band because it'is funny to see people singing those jingles because everyone knows them ...everyone has been a child and have seen cartoons!!!

That's like The Hill Valley Preservation Society, I think they're called. I dig their version of the Heathcliff theme, makes me smile :D