Power Quest rule


Jan 14, 2003
Visit site
Yep, I'm aware that I'm a wee bit late in discovering Power Quest - I'm a Black Metaller and it's only fairly recently that I (re)discovered Power Metal as a whole. Anyway after seeing the band on the bloodstock website I went to mp3.com and checked 'em out - fantastic!
Cheers to DragonMaiden (i think that's yer name - my memory is crap#-o) for directing me here.

Odin's Warrior
Cheers for the warm reception guys.
Indeed some Black Metallers are finally discovering Power Metal (about bloody time too!), in my opinion the two genres of Power Metal and Black Metal are very similar (not musically) in the way that they can both give the listener a feeling - whether that be pride, anger, or a good old 'metal! punch the air! and scream til the cows come home' feeling (did I forget to mention the fragile state of my sanity?:D)
As I've already stated, I'm fairly new to Power Metal and there are loads of albums I'd like to get (i.e. Blind Guardian 'Nightfall', the new Power Quest album and the new DragonForce album) but, alas, I'm skint (bloody cigarettes!) and have to save up for Bloodstock '03 (I hope I can make it this year - just a matter of convincing some mates to go!).


PS. My name's Ant, I'm 17 and I'll be 18 in July - pointless info I know, but, hey, that's what I'm good for :P I actually have a profile of FcaeParty (http://www.faceparty.com/odins_warrior) although I must say that the pics are REALLY out of date - me hair's longish now....
Yer ta for the info. So welcome aboard the Power Metal cruiser. As you say their are loads of Albums around. You could done a lot worse than starting where you have.

Hope you can make it to Bloodstock - you've plenty of time to save up yet :spin:
'ello, dude!

I remember when I used to be a casual Black Metal fan...was really into Bathory and checked out bands from a Bathory tribute album I had :D so I got into Dark Funeral, Nifelheim and Gehennah, and picked up on Burzum on the way. Then there were all these other bands on the side. Dunno what happened that stopped me listening to it loads - I was really into the aggressive, nihilistic vision of things. Guess it was a mixture of finding good stuff hard to get hold of and mellowing out in old age... :(

Still, it's all good, and it's cool to have another poster here. Rock on motherfuckers! :cool:
hehe...bloody cigarettes indeed Odin's Warrior! I have the same problem myself dude!

I'm sure all the regulars here will be posting their suggestions for you in the power metal genre. Try these fellas

Kamelot - Karma
Edguy - Mandrake
Edguy - Theater of Salvation
Hammerfall - Legacy of Kings
Sonata Arctica - Silence
Stratovarius - Infinite

Over and out
I've only ever heard one Stratovarius song before - 'hunting high and low' - not bad at all, even my dad quite liked it! I've also heard one Sonata Artica song 'Wolf and Raven' I d/l the video for it - not bad, but I've still yet to make my mind up on it, and I quite like what I've heard from Hammerfall already...

Do any of you lot like Grave Digger? I have 'The Grave Digger' and it is EXCELLENT! Can't wait for the new one (it's out in 130 days!), and my mate is doing me a copy of either Excallibur or Tunes of War (i think it may be the latter)...:spin:
I’d go for:

Stratovarious – Visions
Blind Guardian – Somewhere far Beyond
Iced Earth – Horror Show
Nightwish – Wishmaster
Rhapsody – Symphony of Enchanted Lands
Elegy – State of Mind
Symphony X – The Divine Wings of Tragedy

(Some of these are kind of Progressive/Symphonic Power Metal, but that’s my kind of thing)
I suggest:

Heavenly - sign of the winner
Rhapsody - Symphony of enchanted lands
Freedom Call - Cristal Empire
Angra - Angels cry
Kamelot - the fourth legacy
Nightwish - From wishes to eternity ( live album )

See ya

NP: Guns And Roses - We will rock you ( tribute to F.Mercury )