
Aug 8, 2004
Omaha, NE USA
Whats up dude. I'm a Power Quest fan from the USA, got both albums, and gotta say I love your vocal melodies! I know you don't sing em, but I assume you write em since you're credited for majority of the songs in each album. I was just wondering if you write vocal melodies first, or if you write the music first and then come up with the vocal melodies? They're so damn catchy! The singer sounds fantastic on Neverworld btw, great production on his voice. Is there any special technique you have??
Hey! Welcome the forum dude....and thank you for the kind words about the PQ melodies! Yeah, Alessio really brought home the goods on the Neverworld album. The amazing thing is that he does a lot of stuff first take!

It varies really as to which comes first; vocal melody or music and in some cases they sort of arrive at the same time in the sense that the music almost writes itself when you have what you think is a really catchy melody. We are always open to Alessio interpreting a melody in his own way rather than how he is told. Sometimes that's when it works best!

For example, Edge of Time came about music first with the keyboard riff being the first port of call. That riff appeared during the recording of Wings of Forever when we had a bit of downtime from recording.

Karl Groom really seems to get the best out of Alessio and I think vocal production is one of his strongest suits. You only have to listen to the new Threshold album "Subsurface" to see a prime example of that.

I'm just off to check the Cellador site!
Symphony said:
Karl Groom really seems to get the best out of Alessio and I think vocal production is one of his strongest suits. You only have to listen to the new Threshold album "Subsurface" to see a prime example of that.
Well, I agree... the brand new Threshold effort is somewhat the best ever from them, in my opinion. It beats previous Hypothetical in my list! But all in all, looking ahead until third official PQ release to see the daylight.