How long has it been since you first heard Power Quest?


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
I think I'm going on maybe seven years? It was between MND and MoI... Anyway, still puts a smile on my face when I put on some Power Quest. Listening to Neverworld and Magic Never Dies right now and they're still glorious albums, easily some of the best in power metal! Neverworld's title track never fails to put me in a great mood.

Gonna put on Better Days as I spruce up my room now actually...

Long live the quest :kickass:
For me, probably about 3 or 4 years. There are still most often my go to Band when I just feel like blasting out something (preferably loud!) that is catchy, I can sing along to it with ease and makes you feel damn good!

I think if there's one song that does and will ALWAYS give me goosebumps when listening to it because of the sheer awesome and epic-ness, it's 'Neverworld'.
Ive been a fan since late 06-early 07. when i saw their website though i think was around the time when it was announced that they had signed with Napalm records and the site was still in MnD mode. Neverworld in terms of music is my favorite but the tone and sonic aspect of all of the later albums are amazing.
I guess I found them on MySpace just as MND was coming out, so 2005, just over seven years ago...blimey how time flies! I remember hearing Temple of Fire and the rest is history :rock:
I think HOW I found out was by looking at the related artists for Dragonforce on wikipedia and then a couple of days later I was on the Dean Guitars website when their song Temple of Fire popped up. I was completely amazed at the relentless positivity and musicianship of the band and I had to have more :D

when? around 2006, 3/4 into the year i believe
Somewhen between Wings of Forever and Neverworld. I remember buying Neverworld in a shop here in Stockholm and then spinning the hell out of it. My then girlfriend subsequently watched me trying to perform the last falsetto of "Temple of Fire" many times, to great amusement/annoyance. Good times. Has it really been 9 years?
As I've said before, I've been a fan since downloading the PQ demo from back in 2002. I sound like such a smug bastard saying that, but right now I'm thinking "Shit, has it really been 10 years?"