PP USA III Memories....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
*Kai Hansen is a legend. Gamma Ray is making their long awaited U.S. debut. They put on an amazing show and the crowd is going apeshit the entire time. With Kai being a standup comedian, they are running behind with their time. I tell their stage manager they have to cut one song. He signals to him on the stage and Kai takes it to mean, “You can do one more.” I was pissed beyond belief. After throwing my hat at some innocent crew members backstage (which has become a trademark over the years), I ordered Shane to close the curtain on at the end of “I Want Out.” The crowd almost yanked the curtain down because I didn’t let them take a bow. I was so pissed that I went straight up to the band balcony and proceeded to kill 3 beers within 2 minutes. I finally calmed down and Kai and the band apologized for the miscommunication. I apologized for being a dick with the curtain. Once that story got out in the industry, it set my reputation as a fair promoter that didn’t take any shit regardless of how new I was to the game.

*Angra followed Gamma Ray and was absolutely on edge because we were 30 minutes behind and they were the last band of the night. They thought everyone would leave as soon as Gamma Ray was over. I told them to relax and that the crowd would be there. Kiko proceeds to get pissed and gets in my face and accuses me of being unprofessional. I jumped right back at him and went nose to nose and told him to back the fuck off or not play at all. Chris Roy (my stage manager) pulled me back and the show went on…with a full house. And yes, Kiko and I had a few drinks in their dressing room after the show.

*I invited Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth down to be my special guest for the show. I was in the process of doing everything I could to establish my name and I basically wanted to show him that I could do this shit and have Iced Earth at PP USA IV. I went to his hotel room before the show to just have a beer with him. We sat at the table and I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Jon, I’m paying for your entire trip. I’m not asking a thing of you. We both know I wanted Iced Earth next year and that’s why you are in Atlanta on my dime. I’m basically here to kiss your ass the entire weekend.” He laughed and said I may just be one of the most honest promoters that he had ever met. Later on, Blind Guardian was taking *forever* with their soundcheck and threatening to put us behind. However, I couldn’t cut them off. They were Blind Guardian! Jon saw me sweating it and acting nervous with the crew. As soon as Hansi finished their song, he walked down on the floor and yelled, “Ok ladies, you have been fucking around for an hour and Glenn has a show to run. Get off the stage.” And they did. I will forever be grateful to Jon.

*Devin Towsend was alien to the prog/power audience at the time. He had only played out with Strapping Young Lad so no one from my audience really knew his stage persona. He proceeds to open the show with “Summer of ’69”) and then shows the audience his “progressive nipples.” Folks were looking at each other like, wtf? As the show proceeds, he tells them to stick the next song in their cunt and proceeds to play an amazing set. Unfortunately, prog is serious business and some goobers left during his set. Evidently, it didn’t fit in their cunt. To this day, I wish I had recorded his soundcheck with him doing vocals as the Swedish Chef Muppet.

*Edguy are just as much fun backstage as they are on the stage. They were genuinely happy to be there. The “Fuck-Fuck” sing along was just hilarious (and made it to their live album as a bonus video). I had so much fun with them that they were invited back as headliners based on personality just as much as musicianship.

*Pain of Salvation followed Blind Guardian and ended the night (due to Guardian’s flight schedule). They played to a room that was only 60% full. It was right then that I knew that ProgPower USA was really PowerProg USA. Those that stuck around witnessed something that no other band has still done to this day. The fans chose the entire setlist and it was awesome.
*Mac (RIP) from Threshold was hanging out upstairs in the band balcony after their set. I didn’t have a chance to meet him previously and introduced myself to him. I told him he had an amazing voice. He replied, “I know.” I’m still not sure if he was joking or not.

*Michael Hakansson (ex-bassist of Evergrey) was scheduled for a guest appearance during Reading Zero’s set. He runs out on stage and starts thrashing around like a madman with his bass. It was intense as hell. Of course, nobody realized his bass wasn’t plugged in so it was all air-guitar.

*DC Cooper was the first “name” to work the lobby like his life depended on it. He was out hosting his own meet and greets and mingling with the crowd the entire night. As a result, he made some devoted fans for life. I will always be grateful to DC as he was one of the first to help define the festival atmosphere.

* I had met the Tipton brothers from Zero Hour at the first festival in Chicago. They are the nicest guys you will ever meet. They are also the first surfer dudes this hillbilly had ever met. They probably thought my IQ was a total of 5 based on my accent while I thought Jeff Spicoli didn’t have shit on them. “Right on” Jasun.
PPIII was my first one. And it just cemented to me how much I loathe power metal. But I also instanly knew that this was what most of the audience was there for, and it has never stopped me from coming back, as you have got bands to this fest I would've never seen otherwise. For that I thank you. Just one thing about PoS though, I think it was the next time they played at PPV that the fans chose the setlist, not at PPIII.
III was one of my favorite years ever. I was dirt poor that year, and wouldn't have made it if it weren't for some generous friends with an extra badge, and Rifkin needing a roommate.
I wish I knew about heavy metal in general that long ago. That lineup would make me pee my pants. or maybe something else. hahahahaha

Glenn, how does it feel to know that you have had a successful DECADE of awesome shows SINCE PPIII?
III had the best closing I have yet to see from any band... well the best fest closing that is. I don't care much for Angra but the night's ending with a cover of 'Number of the Beast' kicked ass. Having basically everyone in that structure in the theater at the time chanting along was just so cool. Seemed pretty powerful looking around seeing everyone knew the words. Strangely no one I have mentioned it to sees it the same way, hell most don't remember it it seems. Maybe it was my imagination and I made it up after all I have been trying to like the band for years.
man sounds awesome Glenn! My first festival wasn't until next year. would love to read one about PPUSA IV
I knew about the festival, because at the time i was a Gamma Ray and Edguy fanboy, and checked their websites to see where they were playing and lo and behold ATLANATA!!!! But Guess what? At the time of the festival I was in Greece, on company business, as i would be for the next 2 festivals. Wish I could have made it.
I can only imagine what this was like. Justin (mosquito) talks about PP3 from time to time...I so wish I could've been there. I didn't even know about this festival until PP6, which was the year I went.

I have heard the stories about Gamma Ray and the curtain and you getting in Kiko's face before Angra played before, but I didn't know the thing about Jon and Iced Earth. That's pretty rad, too bad it didn't work out.

And also, I knew a little bit about the crowd being all "um, whut" duiring Devin's set. Fuck 'em. Seeing Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray (at that time) at PPUSA would have been enough of a dream, but Devin doing his solo stuff live rather than SYL. I would have REVELLED in the chance to be into his music while some of the pussies (erm, "cunts") were scratching their heads. HELLS YEAH!
To this day PPIII remains my favorite of the shows. There have been better performances since then. There have been better lineups (perhaps) since then. But PPIII was the first one where i legitimately stood there and thought "Fuck!!! I cannot BELIEVE I am seeing this in the USA!"

Threshold, Angra, Gamma Ray..... All dreams come true. This honestly took my bucket list of bands I had dreamed of seeing live one day and cut it in half.

Thanks Glenn! If I never attended another PP again, this would have made it all worthwhile in one weekend.
When we all heard that Schaffer was there, we all hoped he'd jump on stage with Blind Guardian and do a Demons & Wizards song. Kinda bummed it didn't happen, but good to know the reason why he was there.

I was familiar with Devin from his Terria CD, so I was looking forward to seeing him. I thought his set was hilarious, and wasn't topped until Freak Kitchen came.

I was also disappointed at people bailing on PoS, but it is difficult to follow Blind Guardian.

Jasun Tipton was great to talk to. He always acted like he was glad to be there, and made every contact very personal.
Would have given anything to have made it to PPIII, but it was sold out by the time we found out about it. Made damn sure that didn't happen for PPIV. Thanks for the stories. Pretty epic.
PP II was my first one and III was the only one I have missed since due to family shit.... and damn do I regret having to miss it.

(and it's a personal opinion but I think Mac was being serious lol)
PPUSA III sold out too fast for me to get tickets also. I've been attending since IV and a Gold Badge holder since VI.
However, the line up of III would have been heaven for me. Fortunately, I've seen every band that I wanted to from that line up, with the exception of Silent Force, since then. But seeing all of them at one event would have been bliss.

PPX was my 7th one. And it just cemented to me how much I loathe prog metal.