PP USA XVI Vendor Update


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
After all these years, it is a bittersweet moment for us as we bid farewell to our longest tenured vendor, Exploding Ned's. Mike has decided to retire from the road and we wish him well with all his future endeavors. He is a class act.

As one door closes, another opens....

We would like to welcome Impulse Music to the vendor room family this year.

Other currently confirmed vendors include:

Century Media
Inside Out Music America
Music Importer
Nightmare Records
Nuclear Blast

More news to follow.....
Wow. I knew Mike from numerous Atlanta Record Shows over the years (he was one of the few dealers who carried any metal), so when Glenn had an opening in the vendor room, I got the two of 'em together and Exploding Ned's tenure at PPUSA started. Mike was really grateful for our custom and he added a new dimension to the vendors' offerings, particularly with t-shirts.
Truly, the end of an era. Sad to see him call it quits, but he deserves a break.
Thanks for sticking with us all these years, Mike! Be it a CD, a records, or a t-shirt, you always had that rare gem that I had to buy each year. I hope you'll still at least attend the show. Now you can actually enjoy the bands while they're on stage!

With that, I'm glad to hear that Steve is finally bringing an Impulse Music table to the fest. I used to make monthly visits to his store when he resided just outside of Chicago. I've been missing the store since he moved out to Colorado. This will be a nice little reunion!

Stay metal. Never rust.
After all these years, it is a bittersweet moment for us as we bid farewell to our longest tenured vendor, Exploding Ned's. Mike has decided to retire from the road and we wish him well with all his future endeavors. He is a class act.

As one door closes, another opens....

We would like to welcome Impulse Music to the vendor room family this year.

Other currently confirmed vendors include:

Century Media
CD Inzane
Inside Out Music America
Nightmare Records
Nuclear Blast

More news to follow.....

Damn, it won't be the same without Mike there.
I think I always spent the most money at Ned's table, and I know whatever it was he payed me last year for helping out, just went right back to him because I purchased more merch after I was done! Most of the band shirts (especially girly tees) I got at ProgPower were from Exploding Ned's as well.

Thanks for everything, Mike! It was a pleasure working with you last year (and buying more crap. :D)
I think I always spent the most money at Ned's table, and I know whatever it was he payed me last year for helping out, just went right back to him because I purchased more merch after I was done! Most of the band shirts (especially girly tees) I got at ProgPower were from Exploding Ned's as well. Thanks for everything, Mike! It was a pleasure working with you last year (and buying more crap. :D)

Can't thank you enough for the help Joan. Definitely a pleasure working with a pro. Hope you have a blast this year with your fave... I seem to remember it was Falconer. :kickass:
The first time I shopped at Exploding Ned's was in Cleveland at the BWBK 6 pack weekend. I always thought that was strange, since we both live in Georgia. I think I've seen them in at least 4 different states. Sad to see them go.
The first time I shopped at Exploding Ned's was in Cleveland at the BWBK 6 pack weekend. I always thought that was strange, since we both live in Georgia. I think I've seen them in at least 4 different states. Sad to see them go.

Yeah those first 2 BWBK fests were great. Lotta great bands and cool fans. Thanx for the biz as always.