PP USA XVI Vendor Update


Too bad ken retired from being a vendor here...he knows my exact tastes and seemingly would have a few things stashed away that I ended up loving,and without even hearing one note of the music...


Too bad ken retired from being a vendor here...he knows my exact tastes and seemingly would have a few things stashed away that I ended up loving,and without even hearing one note of the music...


That's the reason why Ken is an awesome vendor. He's very good at making me want to spend more money. (And to respond above, The Laser's Edge still exists, but he doesn't do festivals anymore. Personally, I don't blame him. He deserves the break.)
Oh I do know it exists still...and I don't blame him either for retiring from vending there.....

The thing is there is that he can do this and I have instant new bands to love....
It's been a really odd year for vendors. I have a sold-out show and the economy is definitely back. That said, vendors are becoming more and more scarce each year.


Impulse Music
Nightmare Records
Nuclear Blast Records
Tribunal Records

We lost CD Inzane (out of business, I guess), Exploding Ned (retired), Century Media & Inside Out (Major Record Label Acquisition who didn't support the travel costs) as well as Heaven & Hell Records and Deathgasm Records (for various reasons).

I have extended offers to multiple other vendors with no luck. I still have room for a couple of more if anyone wants to pass the word along.

Disappointing to see that Century Media dropped, they always brought a great selection of Prog/Power as well as recent releases in other genres and it seemed like they had a lot of traffic at their tables. Hopefully they'll return in the future.

Impulse looks to have a broad and interesting catalog on their list, looking forward to checking their table(s) out this year.
Would love to see The End return; their selection was always weird, and eclectic in all the right ways. Also sad to see CM gone; Other than Exploding Ned, I probably spent the most there.
Man that sucks about Inside Out and especially CM. CM always had a good selection of new vinyl and we're the nicest guys in the room. Guess Nuclear Blast will get most of what I spend this year since they bring a decent amount of vinyl too.
Divebomb/Tribunal Records is stoked to be vending this year. Previous years we had a small spot on Exploding Neds table, but with his absence and our release count well over 100 titles we figured it was time to get a table of our own.

We will have our September new releases (Artch, Betsy [aka Bitch], Wild Dogs and Osiris) available at PPUSA before anywhere else.