PP warm up looting session has begun

I made a trip to the not-so-local virgin mega-store and nabbed some loot..

I went looking specifically for Into Eternity, Wuthering Heights, Dreamscape and Adagio's new one... here's what I got;

Wuthering Heights - To Travel For Evermore
Into Eternity - Dead Or Dreaming
(these were the only 2 albums available from my wanted list)

but, that didn't deter me from bringing home these;

Rage - Soundchaser (thanks to everyone who praised this, love it)
Oratory - Beyond Earth (just female vox now, and blows away 1st cd)
Invictus - Black Heart (this was my blind buy, meaning I never heard of them before and I am quite impressed, good power metal from France on the LMP label, strong vocalist)
King Diamond - the Puppetmaster (my first ever KD album, had to get it due to the 'Sweet Dreams' song on Probot, I must say I think I've been missing out)

and a rare find at a mall stop earlier; Icon - Right Between the Eyes (80s hair metal... my rocker's showing again)
Oratory was a suggestion my cousin from Spain told me to check out, I guess they are from Portugal anyway he and I share the same taste in music (he is more power I am more prog) but I wasn't overly thrilled with the first CD...maybe I should take a chance on the second, I do enjoy good female vox!!! :)

Cheers, Tony
I picked up the latest Tad Morose album "Modus Vivendi" and Wow it kicks TOTAL ASS!! Where the hell have I been??????? I also picked up Brainstorms "Metus Mortis" as well. These two Cd's are AWESOME!!!!!!! Brainstorms new CD is cool as well, the digipack has a nice live show on the bonus DVD (PAL). Can't wait until to see them at ProgPower.
i went to buy any cd, then realized i couldn't even afford the gas to get to the store :yell:
There is a Knoxville CD store (actually, two locations) that deals is both used and new CDs - and they give great credit. I took some stuff up there and got around $180 in store credit. Here are the ProgPower bands I picked up:

Edguy - Burning Down the Opera. I love these guys already, but had been wanting their live album.

Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi. Wow I've been missing out by not hearing these guys sooner. I love this band - incredible vocals, and powerful, straight-ahead music. I hope these guys tear the place down live.

Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element I. Whoa...this is everything I like about progressive metal, but with various interesting twists. Between Tad Morose and these guys, I am going to hear the epitome of power and progressive metal this year.

Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion. I expected to be blown away by these guys as I love death vocals, but I still haven't cracked it yet. It's a good album, but one I am going to have to spend some time with for it to really stick.

Brainstorm - Soul Temptation. Not bad, and I bet they are going to be awesome live, but frankly everytime I think about this album, I reach for Tad Morose instead.

For old times sake, I got Pagan's Mind's Celestial Embrace. Cool band, I hope that Ronnie is doing OK since his drunkcapades last year.

Unfortunately they were out of Adagio.
I still can't seem to track down any Dreamscape stuff, either that or I'm blind.

Buuuut, I did manage to send some business to the Laser's Edge today, they had some of what I was looking for;

Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
Wuthering Heights - Within (didn't know about this one)
Adagio - Underground

and I saw 2 at CDuniverse's site;

Wuthering Heights - From the Madding Crowd
Edguy - King of Fools

they should all be here by Wednesday I'm guessing with priority mail.
I have been in a "ready up for PP downloading frenzy" since the announcement was made. I got some Tad Morose, Into Eternity, Brainstorm, Adagio and Dreamscape. Dreamscape was by far the hardest to find... which is a shame because IT'S AMAZING! I'll definately be picking up that album soon. And I bought Into Eternity's Dead or Dreaming the other day.

I think Dreamscape might be the band that surprises a lot of people this year. Good stuff.
So far I've ordered the following

Bainstorm - Soul Temptation
Dreamscape - End of Silence
Kamelot - Seige Perilous
Kamelot - Karma
Pain of Salvation - 12:5
Savatage - The Wake Of The Magellan
Savatage - Dead Winter Dead
Tad Morose - Matters of the Dark
Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi
Wuthering Heights - To Travel For Evermore
Wuthering Heights - Far From The Madding Crowd

Most of these still haven't arrived yet so I'm eagerly checking the mailbox when I get home from work everyday. Still need to track down some Adagio CD's. I already have the rest of Pain of Salvatation's catalog, all of Edguy's stuff, and a couple of Kamelot albums to keep me occupied in the meantime.
Don't know what to tell you. I found it by typing "Dreamscape" in the search box and hitting enter. End of Silence came right up (along with a few unrelated hits).

I can't be 100% certain they have it in stock, but they did a week or so ago because I got my copy from them.
...just got done spinning Pain of Salvation's 12:5...WOW--words just can't do it justice. Of course, I've been a big POS fan for a while now, but these live acoustic versions bring me a whole new appreciation for the group. The PPIII set was unbelievable, and I can't wait to see them again.

On another note...Creeps, glad to see you liked the new King Diamond (easily his best in years). Now go pick up Abigail, Them and Conspiracy (KD's 2nd-4th albums) and hear him at his best!

I have sampled everything posted on the audio/video page for the PPV lineup. Well, I sampled everything I wasn't already familar with. And I agree with several of you about Tad Morose... where the hell have I been for the past few years to miss these guys?! They kick total ass! I now own a copy of Matters of the Dark. The End Records was out of Modus Vivendi when I placed my order last week. Oh well, next order. :Smug:

Brainstorm I was already familiar with, and look very forward to seeing them live. I need to order Soul Temptation, as I already own Metus Mortis. I also will be ordering some Wuthering Heights. I still need to hear more of the others before I order anything, Adagio and Dreamscape especially. I know what PoS sounds like, having seen them at PPIII.

but here's some others I've recently discovered on the Louder then the Dragon double cd from Limb Music...

IronWare - kicked my ass completely! Reminds me of earlier Helloween.
Cryonic Temple - great stuff; galloping melodic power metal.
Pagan's Mind - who I missed last year when I sat out PPIV (my bad)
Wizard - kinda like Rhapsody without all the symphonic BS (and I like Rhapsody)
Exhibition - I wish we could see these guys at a future PP. Probably one of the most talented, but overlooked bands on the prog-power scene.

Anyway, if you wanna sample most of these bands, head over to Limb Music: http://www.limb-music.de/cgi-bin/limb.cgi ...or better yet, go to The End Records and order the Louder than the Dragon cd sampler. You can't beat 28 bands for 13 bucks! woohoo!!!

in metal,

Has anybody checked out Godiva? Kind of a silly name but the music is frickn' awesome!!! It was produced by Tom Naumen from Primal Fear/Sinner so that should give you a good idea of what they sound like. Big riffs with great headbanging rythems!!! They are on Limb Music also. :headbang: :hotjump: :headbang:
To anyone who said Tad Morose's new CD Modus Vivendi was great, I couldn't agree more. I wish I had discovered this CD sooner, Urban Breed's voice is different than most others I've heard and gives an excellent twist to the music. This is the only new CD I've bought so far but I have the following on the way:

Adagio - Underworld
POS - The Perfect Element
Brainstorm - Soul Temptation
Savatage - Hall of the Mountain King (I know, I know I should already have this one, but I never really listened to Savatage before seeing Zak rip up the stage last year with C2C.)

Still waiting impatiently for these to arrive, and my next credit card statement to clear so I can order more.
jkohn said:
So far I've ordered the following

Bainstorm - Soul Temptation
Dreamscape - End of Silence
Kamelot - Seige Perilous
Kamelot - Karma
Pain of Salvation - 12:5
Savatage - The Wake Of The Magellan
Savatage - Dead Winter Dead
Tad Morose - Matters of the Dark
Tad Morose - Modus Vivendi
Wuthering Heights - To Travel For Evermore
Wuthering Heights - Far From The Madding Crowd

Most of these still haven't arrived yet so I'm eagerly checking the mailbox when I get home from work everyday. Still need to track down some Adagio CD's. I already have the rest of Pain of Salvatation's catalog, all of Edguy's stuff, and a couple of Kamelot albums to keep me occupied in the meantime.

the new wuthering heights is awesome:headbang: I was able to get new adagio at www.lasercd.com
Kai-Guy said:
Has anybody checked out Godiva? Kind of a silly name but the music is frickn' awesome!!! It was produced by Tom Naumen from Primal Fear/Sinner so that should give you a good idea of what they sound like. Big riffs with great headbanging rythems!!! They are on Limb Music also. :headbang: :hotjump: :headbang:
When I was at the Virgin Megastore, I popped that into the listening station along with Invictus and Black Majesty.. Invivtus won out for me, Black Majesty sounded a tad generic but I did like the Godiva.