PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
How about we progress next year?

ProgPower USA Mid-Week Mayhem: Gone
ProgPower USA Kick-Off: Gone.

It's time to shake things up a bit and kick it up a notch. We will be moving to a new format next year we believe is best for everyone. ProgPower USA XVII will now be a four-day event in the the main theater at Center Stage. Milton Mendonca (Mid-Week Mayhem promoter) & Nathan Block (Kick-Off promoter) will co-promote both nights going forward. I'm also going to throw my hat in the ring with next year to help transition things as well. So, what should you expect? Wednesday will see four bands on the main stage. Thursday will only see three bands. However, these bands will be the "Promoter's Pick." In other words, Nathan will personally book one band, Milton will personally book one band, and I will personally book the headliner that night. After this year, they take over those two nights completely in the future.

The only other difference is there will only be two-night tickets placed on sale for Day 1 (Wednesday) & Day 2 (Thursday) initially on November 7th. Individual nights will be sold next summer if there are any remaining. Trust me when I say we are building a roster worthy of getting you to Atlanta for all four nights. Further information on tickets will be announced in the coming weeks.

As those that attended the festival this year know, we had to cancel the video presentation scheduled for Saturday night. One of the booked bands withdrew at the last minute. We thought it best to not show the video and confuse anyone. Instead, we are going old school promo style. We will be announcing one band every 1-2 weeks via a video presentation courtesy of our own Art Director, Wayne Joyner. That starts tomorrow at a random time.

On behalf of Nathan, Milton & myself, we thank you for your continued support.

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I have to admit that I'm leery from a price/value perspective as it's probably always going to be impossible for me to take off for both Wednesday and Thursday that week. I guess we'll just have to see what shakes out.
No one said you *HAD* to wait to wow us, Milton.***

***Unless you and Nathan have signed a NDA, of course. :)
It would have to take a lineup I utterly hate for me to not go, to be perfectly honest. And honestly, fuck The Loft - I prefer this new format. :)
I'm very excited about this! Although I was a bit disappointed about not hearing Thursday's lineup on Saturday night. I really enjoyed the video last year. The video announcements are always one of my favorite parts of the fest. I love the excitement and the crowd's reaction. This was my 6th year at Progpower, and my first for all 4 nights. Last year was my first year for 3 nights. I recommend making the arrangements and planning for all 4 nights to everyone who has never experienced it. You will not regret it. The only bad thing is it has made the post-Progpower blues even more intense this year.
I think it's great because I think with the bands Milton usually picks (more prog, more my style), and Nathan (more power, not my style), that's it's a nice combination to have that on both nights truly making it more like the two main nights. I'm hoping Redemption will be one of the bands, they'll have a new album out, and it's obvious Ray is on good terms with Jim and John doing their thing, so maybe he could hang around and sing Prelude to Ruin with John on Friday night. How awesome would that be? :)
I like the "old school" announcement way. It builds up the excitement! I'll be on the edge of my seat! :grin:

Congrats on going to a full blown four-day show! It keeps getting bigger.... and better!!!! :rock: :kickass:


And when there's the lineup we put together, there will be a will. :)

Thanks everyone for the support. We can't wait to wow you.

I love the old school build up of a couple bands announced a few apart.
That being said, I'm seriously chomping at the bit to find out what you masters have put together for us.
Thank you in advance is so small I know but THANK YOU!
I think this is a fantastic idea, and I can't wait to see what's in store! How will this affect sponsors/GB holders, out of curiosity? Will this mean a need for more sponsors? I know several folks who would be interested in the opportunity if it became available.

Just when I thought I couldn't be more excited about next year...lol. *goes to circle Nov 7th on calendar* :rock:
It was already worth attending the 4 days, but getting the kick off show OUT of The Loft is the best news ever. Should we talk about adding a 5th day? Just kidding...or am I?

Thanks, Glenn/Milton/Nathan - You guys are the greatest!!! Here's to quick sellouts and initial lineups reaching the stage.