I told myself going in that I was not buying any shirts (unless there was one I *had* to have), so that I could focus my money on music - and that worked. I think I bought at least one CD from every vendor.
Ayreon - Universal Migrator Part II: Flight of the Migrator
Deadly Sin - sunborn (hadn't heard of, but a close friend *swore* that I would love it)
End of September - self-titled debut
Epica - Design Your Universe [completes my Epica collection]
Heaven's Cry - Wheels Of Impermanence (hadn't heard of before PP XIV annoucement; this was the only PP XIV band I could find late on Saturday)
Holy Martyr - Hellenic Warrior Spirit (blind buy; loved the band name, album name, and cover art; a few people around me told me it was solid)
Incrave - The Forgotten single
Iron Mask - Black As Death
Luca Turilla's Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity
Kamelot - Siege Perilous
Manitcora - 8 Deadly Sins
Meliah Rage - Dead to the World
Mirrormaze - Walkabout
Myrath - Desert Call
Orden Ogan - Easton Hope
Threshold - March of Progress
Sabaton - Metalizer (re-armed) & Attero Dominatus (re-armed) [completes my Sabaton collection]
Serenity - Death & Legacy
Styx - Paradise Theater (OK, not at PP, but it was $5 at Best Buy!)
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy special edition