PQ and Thunder?

Hang on this says unsigned...I'm pretty sure PQ are signed.


Either way text sent! :kickass: :D I really havn't given Thunder enough of a listen but with PQ supporting I'd be there in a nano-instant :headbang:
Hmmm - having seen Power Quest live at FF last November, and heard the album loads on the radio, I've gotta say I don't think they'd fit in on the Thunder bill that well Poss a bit *too* power metally? That's not to say they ain't good, cos they are, but IMHO they wouldn't go down well (oo-er missus ) with the Thunder fans. Of course I could be talking total soft round dangly things - one is an old biddy tha knows!

Saw Steve Wotsit from PQ at Z Rock on Sunday (but he doesn't know who I am - outrage can you *believe* that? ROFL )

However, good luck to 'em with their erm...... 'quest' [groan icon LOL] and to all the others trying! It'll make the tour varied anyway

My ideal support would still be Danny Vaughn or JSS (or both )

Crazy crazy girl what is she on about?