PQ - your thoughts


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Hey guys

Been meaning to do this for a while......a short PQ related survey. It would be great to get your opinions here :-)

1. Favourite PQ song

2. Favourite PQ Record

3. Favourite PQ album artwork

4. Favourite PQ line up

5. Favourite PQ show (appreciate this one is tricky as we didn't get to you all)

Cheers as always :rock:
Great thread idea! Been a while since we've discussed this stuff. I love talking about this music.

1. Favourite PQ song - Better Days. I love the speedy old power metal stuff so much, but this is just a magical tune - somehow topped Children of the Dream for me! It's almost become a personal anthem of mine, a theme song if you will. Crisp synths, powerful drums, I also love the lyrics and Andy's guitar solo is beautiful. Other honorable mentions: Strikeforce, Edge of Time, Galaxies Unknown, Diamond Sky. Special shout-out to Time To Burn, which does not get nearly enough love in my opinion!

2. Favourite PQ record - Magic Never Dies. Lots of adjectives to describe this album, none of them bad. Some of the greatest power metal tunes can be found on this and it's always been an inspiration and influence on my own keyboard playing. Lost my copies of Neverworld and MND in a wreck 6 years ago and I greatly miss them... but I kept the booklets! :)

3. Favourite PQ album artwork - Neverworld. As a fantasy/RPG video game enthusiast I really dig the colors of the landscape, the mountains looming in the distance, and that EPIC looking city with such ornate palaces. I want to explore it!

4. Favourite PQ line up - Williams/Finnie/Midgley/Owens/Smith/Somapala - chalk it up to having actually interacted with all the members here on the forum and watching the lineup gel so well and breathe new life into the band. What a solid comeback. Truly sad we didn't get another album because this lineup was firing on all cylinders and displayed some really amazing talent.

5. Favourite PQ show - I only ever got to see one living in the States, and that was the webcast with Colin on vocals. Couldn't have asked for a better setlist, got to see most of my favorite tunes and Colin did an awesome job with the difficult vocal lines.
1. Favourite PQ song - Neverworld

It's a heavenly 8 or 9 minutes of perfectly crafted music. It's got an Intro and Outro that compliment the rest of the song perfectly, it's fast, it's catchy, the guitars and keyboards sound phenomenal and it's just got an amazing, epic feeling without it feeling like the "epic" aspect is over-done. It's one of a kind.

If I had to choose a different song, it would be Better Days. One of the ultimate feel good songs and love how AOR it is.

2. Favourite PQ record - Neverworld

Whilst the first album is fantastic, there is a typical Power Metal feel to a lot of the songs (not really a bad thing) but it feels like with Neverworld, a lot more varying influences began to shine in the Music and the result is a nearly perfect album. Each song compliments each other almost perfectly, the songs are just the right length and the high quality is consistent throughout. The first four songs might be the best first four songs on any album ever, 'When I'm Gone' is well-written, well-placed ballad, 'For Evermore' almost doesn't stop getting better the more you hear it and 'Lost Without You' is a unique, epic closing track, with guest vocalist Sabine Edelsbacher adding an extra, worthy dimension to the song.

Again, if not Neverworld, I would pick Blood Alliance.

3. Favourite PQ album artwork - Neverworld

Difficult to choose here. The artworks for Master of Illusion and Blood Alliance are very good too, however I think Neverworld also captures the feel of the album the best

4. Favourite PQ line up - Williams/Finnie/Midgley/Owen/Smith/Callanan

Having been lucky enough to see PQ six times, live performances were always going to be a big factor in my selection here. I've gone for this line-up not only because this was the line-up in my top three PQ shows, but also because Callanan's voice ensured that both pre-Blood Alliance era and Blood Alliance songs could be performed with the justice they deserve. This line-up also felt like the perfect mix of youth and experience.

5. Favourite PQ show - Wakefield, The Snooty Fox, 25th November 2011

This again was a tough call. My first PQ show was when Pete Morten was briefly in the band and obviously that will always be special for me, being the first and all. I saw the Blood Alliance line-up live twice, again great experiences and great to hear the Blood Alliance songs with Chity on vocals. With Colin however, they had the confidence to bring many fan favourites back, especially pre-Master of Illusion songs, as well as songs from the last two albums still sounding great.

Seeing this line-up in Derby was fantastic, especially hearing 'For Evermore' and 'Galaxies Unknown' live for the first time. The show at Metieval Winterfest in Hull was also great, especially to see Alessio join for a few songs.

I've picked Wakefield though as it was the first show with the most recent line-up, great attendance, great atmosphere and getting to hear so many favourite songs live for the first time, especially the likes of Neverworld and Temple of Fire. It was to hang around with the band after the show too, getting drunk and for me, having about an hour's sleep, rushing to get ready and to the train station in the morning and having to work that day!

By the way 1928, I kind of stole your layout for this post. Hope you don't mind!
No worries dude, I think it's cool to read other peoples' thoughts that way! Also very cool to see we agree on the Snooty Fox show! :kickass:

Totally agree re: the first four songs on Neverworld... can't tell you how many times I played Temple of Fire before I listened to ANY other piece of music!
1. Favourite PQ song
Tough... Glory Tonight, possibly due to nostalgia.

2. Favourite PQ Record

3. Favourite PQ album artwork

4. Favourite PQ line up
The easiest question for me...
Steve S
Steve W

5. Favourite PQ show
Camden Underworld 2006 (now I feel old!)
1. Favourite PQ song - For evermore!

2. Favourite PQ record - Blood Alliance

3. Favourite PQ album artwork - Probably Blood Alliance. Then Neverworld, WoF, MoI, and last MND

4. Favourite PQ line up - Williams/Finnie/Midgley/Owens/Smith/Somapala.
Also - Your music really changed my life, and it certainly helped me through some darker times. So a big thank you for that Steve, and the rest of PQ as well of course!
1. Favourite PQ song

Far away - because it's the song i first heard of PQ and was immediately fallen for it :p

2. Favourite PQ Record

Blood Alliance - great album but i think i would have liked it even more if Colin sang it

3. Favourite PQ album artwork

Blood Alliance - Master of Illusion is also great but BA is a tad better :p

4. Favourite PQ line up

Steve, Rich, Colin, Gav, Paul and Andy

5. Favourite PQ show

PPM show was great !!! had the luck to see you guys twice at work in Genk and @PPM, didn't expect to see so many people liking PQ :-)
Also cool hanging out with the guys and Emma ;-)
1. Favourite PQ song - Temple of Fire

It is so hard to pick any favorite song by Power Quest, seeing as how PQ is in my top 10 favorite bands ever (in no particular order), but I do know that one of those songs was going to be from Neverworld (which leads to the answer for question 2). I will however decide upon Temple of Fire, because it was the very first PQ song that I happened to hear. The clip was being used on the Dean Guitars homepage along with Edge of Time and MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN DID THEY BLOW ME AWAY!!! That opening keyboard lick in ToF is what sold me immediately. I had to have more. I knew of the existence of the band before hearing their work through the "Associated Acts" section of Dragonforce's Wikipedia page and then some time after heard it when looking for some guitar ideas on the site that I had mentioned earlier (I think this was in late 2006 but I can't exactly remember). I'm so glad that I made the dicovery! :D

2. Favourite PQ Record - Neverworld

So earlier I mentioned that if I had to pick a favorite song that it would have to be from Neverworld. Without trivializing the other records, I can't listen any PQ album from front to back the way I do with Neverworld. The sound is so organic and original feeling for power metal. It brings me to another place whenever I listen to it. I recall Steve saying how Neverworld is that place that everyone wants to be and I definitely felt that with this record before even hearing him say those words. Even though the ballads were hard to completely accept at first, I soon realized that they do justice to the overall sound and now I don't ever skip them........ever. EVERYTHING about this record gives me good vibes and it always will.
EDIT: and even though the production quality doesn't match the crisp sound of anything like MND, MoI, or BA I don't care. The song writing of Neverworld is kind of better than all of the other ones. MND comes pretty close though.

3. Favourite PQ album artwork - Neverworld

Similarly to how Mr. Nippleson feels, I get a fantasy/RPG/whatever feeling from this record and not just from the album art. The visuals, sound, song titles (looking at you Temple of Fire) made me think of The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem for some reason and still do to this day. But even if I try to approach it from a less geeky view, I can't help but want to stare at the album art if I have it near me. It puts me in a happy place.

4. Favourite PQ line up - Neverworld

This doesn't really matter because everyone in PQ has been fantastic. I just love Neverworld that much xD

5. Favourite PQ show

After all the years on here I don't think I need to write up all the why's, everyone already knows :)

1. Temple of Fire

2. Neverworld

3. Neverworld

4. Alessio, Steve S, Andrea, Steve W, Francesco but in my dreams I imagine a dream-team of Alessio with an Andy/Gav/Andrea shred trio!

5. Probably the one in Glasgow on the BA tour getting to hang out with everyone after
This survey gave me a good excuse to dig out my old PQ albums and have a listen through them. So...

1. Favourite Song: Neverworld

Mostly for the reasons stated above.

2. Favourite PQ Record : Master of Illusion

The Deep Space 9 of PQ albums. Also, should really be filed under melodic metal, rather than power metal. Branches out without straying from it's roots.

3. Favourite Artwork: Neverworld

Same reasons as above. Whatever you do, though, don't type "Fortress of the Pearl" into google images. You might get a nasty surprise.

4. Favourite Lineup: The one that played Metalfest 2009

5. Favourite PQ Show: The ill-fated Metalfest 2009, though that time they supported Helloween wasn't half bad, either.
Favorite song? Well of Souls.First PQ song i heard and it killed and still kills.

Favorite album? Neverworld. Also first album I heard. I love them allbut this one is something special.

Artwork? Wings of Forever. I dunno, its just cool!

Lineup? Sorry, hahaha i dont know.

Live show? Awwww! I didnt discover PQ until 'twas too late :(
1. Favourite PQ song - Really struggling to pick a favourite song here. Edge of Time is up there, always puts me in a good mood. Plus Immortal Plains and Glory Tonight. Oh and Better Days :-) This was really hard to decide!

2. Favourite PQ Record - For me, Wings Of Forever as this was the first album I purchased and was blown away!

3. Favourite PQ album artwork - Either Wings of Forever or Neverworld

4. Favourite PQ line up - I would say the first line up and the line up on the last tour. Cracking bunch!

5. Favourite PQ show - The first show I ever saw them back in 2003? Camden, was blown away, been a fan ever since :-)

This was really hard to decide, I have not been disappointed with any of the Power Quest albums, all of them are amazing, still listen to them this day :-) Seen them a fair few times live over the years, was really hard to decide on my favourite show. The last show they did in Camden was fantastic! was good to see the other lads, especially Adam Bickers, that was a surprise!
It was great to get Adam back for the last couple of shows and it shows that, in the main, everyone who has been involved with PQ over the years remains an important part of the history of the band and part of the great family of friends it has created :-)