Practice Regime and Questions


New Metal Member
May 9, 2010
Hi Chris and everyone here,

I'm new here, well because I just found out recently abt Chris, (where am I living?!) and after so long finally found a guitarist who plays Classical and Electric guitar at such a high level. Thank you Chris.

I'm a classical guitar teacher and however the metalhead in me has called upon me and I took back electric guitar again(I did that when I was 16 lol but took up the wrong guitar class and hence a classical guitarist) from a berklee graduate and he's really solid and now I'm doing DT stuffs, really rocks! haha.

Now I don want to sound like a bitchass but really hope to ask someone who is there already like how do you do it? practicing both electric and classical. I'm now only doing 3 hrs for each instrument, and I feel like crap cos you're going at so many hours and hence your level of playing.

What I do now for classical is this, scales followed by going through my exam pieces, then going through a new piece then going through my teaching materials, 3 hours.

For electric, going through scale practice, 16 note triplets, then do DT rhythm, the solos. 3 hours.

I'm really trying to bulk up my practice time but I gotta pay rent and girlfriend but no excuse, will still try to get 6hrs for each.

It'll be great to get some advice to get to your level of playing, coming from someone who understands. :rock:

Thanks and regards
Hi Chris and everyone here,

I'm new here, well because I just found out recently abt Chris, (where am I living?!) and after so long finally found a guitarist who plays Classical and Electric guitar at such a high level. Thank you Chris.

I'm a classical guitar teacher and however the metalhead in me has called upon me and I took back electric guitar again(I did that when I was 16 lol but took up the wrong guitar class and hence a classical guitarist) from a berklee graduate and he's really solid and now I'm doing DT stuffs, really rocks! haha.

Now I don want to sound like a bitchass but really hope to ask someone who is there already like how do you do it? practicing both electric and classical. I'm now only doing 3 hrs for each instrument, and I feel like crap cos you're going at so many hours and hence your level of playing.

What I do now for classical is this, scales followed by going through my exam pieces, then going through a new piece then going through my teaching materials, 3 hours.

For electric, going through scale practice, 16 note triplets, then do DT rhythm, the solos. 3 hours.

I'm really trying to bulk up my practice time but I gotta pay rent and girlfriend but no excuse, will still try to get 6hrs for each.

It'll be great to get some advice to get to your level of playing, coming from someone who understands. :rock:

Thanks and regards

Hey blurx,

this is a huge question and one that we all ask. I went through the same thing that you are going through and right now I haven't even had time to practice my classical due to touring and constraints on what I can bring. It sounds like you are on the right path devoting as much practice to each that you have time for. The one thing I would recommend is that you make sure you focus on critical material (stuff that really improves you as a player), don't make time for stuff that you are doing just because you feel you should (an example might be chromatic exercises that you do out of habit even though your hand has already obtained all the technique from it). Also I believe you should put a lot of focus on what you are really interested in, because that interest will create drive and help you assimilate it better.

Take care, Chris.
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply, now really guilty of doing chromatic scales from rock discipline (JP), just trying to break the speed barrier lol. Really good advice.

Thank you for your kind words I'll keep all that in mind when I practice. I'll do something new everyday.

Thank you once again, all the best for your tour and taking time off to post a reply!

Hope to see you live soon, along with a master class or something haha.
