Practice What You Preach how was recorded?


Dec 2, 2007
hi guys, well i have hear that the album Practice What You Preach was recorded live in the studio with just some overdubs and "fixing" stuff.. is that true?

and an other question =P.. "Perilous Nation [*]".. what is that--[*]? may have some relation whit the other question?

well.. thx! and sry for the my bad english, i am form chile =S...
Hi. I'm not sure about the first question. As for the other one, my copy has no [*] next to PN, so I've no idea what it means.
I've heard rumours that they recorded it live with 'little to no overdubs' but I've never seen it confirmed by an official source
I can't imagine Practice being recorded live to tape sounding like it does. Badlands' Dusk album was recorded live to tape to give you an idea of what the difference would be.

Back in the late 80s I bought the album not long after it came out. Though I don't play, I used to read Guitar World, and I recall reading a review of the album which, as I recall, mentioned that it was mostly recorded live. That being said, I'd like to have a confirmation of that rumor myself.
he means that the members were recording all at the same time, instead of one after another, and that there were hardly any retakes made.

still, get earphones, no band can play that tight and flawless when recording "live".

if they did it or not, testament is that tight to do it!

Thx to all the answers
Thanks for posting that video! :kickass: It seems that the instruments may very well have been recorded "live" and all at the same time. The band seemed tight (and sober!), except when Alex's headphones fell off his head while he was hamming it up for the camera. :lol:
yeah that was awesome thanks, but what the fuck with KILLING A RANDOM PERSON? that is not remotely funny.
I read an interview in Guitar world with the Alex Perialas in the late 80's early 90's and he said it was recorded live with the band playing all together. He mentioned they didn't do many overdubs only when strings snapped etc.