Praetorian - Have a listen...


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2005
Hey all,

Feeling generous and want to give a couple of my tracks a listen? Any feedback would be most appreciated, whether critical or otherwise....I create these tracks on my own, programming the drums, multitracking guitar, bass, vocals, etc... and as such, am starved of the creative input of other musicians. Any thoughts would be great to give me a little more genre-savvy direction.

If you listen to just one of these please go with this one:

Homo Sacer

I include this next track only to show you what I have moved on from, both (hopefully) in terms of production and musicianship.

The Arcane Pain

Thanks guys....your thoughts are appreciated

For a one-man project not bad, even though I might not be the right one to judge it, as this is not exactly my favourite style, but at times it sounds a bit "chaotic" still, a bit disjointed at times. To me you seem to try a bit too much in one song instead of exploring one idea to its fullest, but the potential definitely is there.

Just as a side note, there already is an Australian band called Praetorian, with one CD out so far, the link is, so you can have a look, just to avoid any problems with having the same name.