Please give this metal mix a listen...


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2005
Hi guys...just finished recording and mixing a 6 track CD for my band, and i'm about to move onto the mastering, but I would love a critical ear to give the mix a once over as i'm still fairly new at this process and we're not working on the biggest budget in the world.

Any final thoughts or suggestions any of you could offer would be great :) .

Stand Up or Give Up

If this all sounds ok to you, could you offer me any suggestions for starting the mastering process? Maybe some EQ/compression tips to tighten up the low-end, and level out some of the highs? Haha...I know this should fall down to me, but we're on a bit of a deadline and the holiday season has taken its toll a bit...i'm beginning to flag somewhat.

I have really learnt alot from all the great advice given on this forum, and I would really appreciate any input any of you might have.

Happy New Year to all! :D
