RIP This mix apart...... Opinions Needed!!!

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
I just mixed this in the box where as I normally mix to a console, anyway I need input on over all low end and Loudness of the track ( Is It mastered hot enough/too hot?). Any thoughts, or suggestions would help greatly, ive been overwhelmed with this project for too long and need some outside ears to offer up some input good or bad. Thanks guys! N gals! :yell:
The entire mix seems kinda dull. Like it's lacking high-end. The snare could lose a tad low-end, the kick drum could come up. The guitars could stand some mids (just a little more), and the bass guitar could sit better in the mix than it does. The overall mix, like I said, could be a little brighter. But that's really personal preference. I dunno, I'm actually really tired and I've been mixing all day long so my ears are all tired. Just ignore what I said unless someone would like to agree with what I said.

just listened to the second mix...sounds good overall, vox seem a bit loud and there's a bit of thinness in the guitars, like there's just something missing there