Black Metal Mix opinions needed URGENT!!!

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
Once again opinions needed here for this project. Its in mix stage and most black metal ive heard has very minimal low end so I tried to incoporate as much as I could without blowing it out. Fricken E tuned guitars are weak but I must do what I gotta do. Any help or guide would be great for I need to head back to the studio tommorow night and continue mixxing. THANKS GUYS!!!:rock:
Not bad, ive heard MUCH worse in terms of BM, but maybee if you want more low end, you could try A-B to Immortal's Sons of Northern Darkness and try getting the kick and bass sounding a bit more like that. Of course a quick fix might just be to use the mix you have now and turn the kick and bass guitar up a bit.
Go with what you like, you definately havent "blown it out" just yet lol.
Thanks for the input I have sinced remixed that song with more low end on the bass and a click louder, the kicks came up a bit and added a few DB in the lows. Clean guitars panned wider and keys up a bit.

abigailwilliams said:
what all was used?

I used Tama starclassic kit, 5150 double tracked and a Mesa Mark4 double tracked, Bass pod, Api preamps tons of drum and room mics for the kit Logic 7 Pro and Mixed on a trident series 75 - 24x24x2. The only triggered sample is on the kick all other elements are real tones. I love the drum room mics the best.
John Haddad (Shiva Industries) said:
Thanks for the input I have sinced remixed that song with more low end on the bass and a click louder, the kicks came up a bit and added a few DB in the lows. Clean guitars panned wider and keys up a bit.

I used Tama starclassic kit, 5150 double tracked and a Mesa Mark4 double tracked, Bass pod, Api preamps tons of drum and room mics for the kit Logic 7 Pro and Mixed on a trident series 75 - 24x24x2. The only triggered sample is on the kick all other elements are real tones. I love the drum room mics the best.

i like the raw bm sound. the only thing i could think was the bass coming up.