Opinions needed for a rock/metal mix


New Metal Member
Hi guys!

I just recorded and mixed some Finnish rock/metal together with mr. Mika Autio. We tried to create something that is pretty hard to describe but let´s just say that we were going for a modern metal sound combined with some (not-so-clean) vintage rock vibes. Something kinda clean but with a lot of edge.

Here´s one song from the sessions:

Oh, and mastering....the record was mastered by mr. Jaakko Viitalähde/Virtalähde Mastering. I think he did an awesome job and delivered just what we were looking for in the mastering process :)

What do you guys think of the mix/production? Does it match my description of what we were going for?
ANY OTHER feedback is also very very welcome.

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First of all, love the song! I'm currently working on something similar (heavy rock production with very clean vocals). "Clean but with an edge" is a great way to describe it. Its a challenge!

Overall I like the balance in the production. The drum sound is solid and drives the track along nicely. You've got the clean down, but I think you need just a little more edge. The rhythm guitars sound just a little flat. Actually, the balance across the midrange sounds pretty good, they just don't sound quite as "angry" as they need to for the "edge" you're going for IMO. I definitely think you could get away with a bit of extra upper mid bite in the guitars without drowning out the vocal presence. As for the vocals, I'm really digging the way they sit over the track. If anything they pop out a little too much, which might fix itself by allowing the guitars to move into this space just a touch in the verses. Have you applied any reverb or delay to the vocals? Obviously if you're going for that "edge," you don't want too much, but just a touch of a good stereo reverb or delay might help them blend in just a little better.

In a nutshell, it sound really good, it just needs a little more "edge" IMO.
I like it. The vocals don't quite sit right for me. The drums sound quite far away whereas the vocals sound very close, which makes them feel a little detached, mainly at the start. I'd agree the guitars could be a little more aggressive too, like the playing was a little careful?
But it sounds good, like a song that was written in a heavy style, rather than a METUUUULLLLLL song, you know? If you're going for a rock vibe I would have allowed the bottom end a bit more rumble and looseness. Metal production is very tight in this area, but rock, you want to feel that bass you know?
Good job though, very enjoyable. And I like the rhythm guitar tone!