Please have a listen and tell me what to improve on this mix..

Thanx Burny.

Offtopic; Your nickname, do you have a Burny guitar? If so, me too, the Joe Perry model.

Ontopic; The idea is to choose the best mix, so BNBob can apply this mix on all songs he has arranged. Yes, there's more!! I will 'sing' on the mixed songs in a studio and mix the vocals in.
As to James Murphy's rule no.1, we will make different versions of every song vocal-dB wise.
James Murphy said:
Rule #5: never, ever... ever. listen to a keyboardist about how to set keyboard levels in a mix.

rules 1-4 being:

1. never listen a vocalist about what level to set vocals
2. never listen to a bassist about what level to set bass
3. never listen to a lead guitarist about what level to set solos
4.. never listen to a drummer about what level to set his kit.

lol... keyboards a especially problematic when they have not been filtered correctly, and to be honest Lurion i was not suggesting that he should make them less audible... just that he should lower the level and make them fit in and be heard with filtering/eq. they are too full bandwidth as of the last example i heard, and are so disproportionately "big" that they step on the rest of the mix.

Amalgamated into:





Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
DON'T EVER LISTEN TO THE INDIVIDUAL BAND MEMBERS EVER least not unless you can make them all happy by making each guy louder than everyone else. :loco:

Bought mine around 400 euro's, that's cheap in Europe. Real Gibbies are more expensive here than in the US. :erk: I wanna have a Burny les paul Custom. I have more guitars with greater value, but it's just fun to play the same quality for much less dollars.

I have a Gibson 498 pickup in the Burny now, sound soooowwww good on my Powerball.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
thats rule 6, creative monitoring siuations score big results \m/

I've been at a few dubbing/mixing sessions where individual members of the band had been present. Each week it was a different member and each week the engineer ended up with a different overall mix :lol:
This sounds vey cool... Only things I would tweak are:

1. The snare in the grind parts. Use a weaker one here so it doesn't get that much pop in it. Drummer can't hit that hard on the snare while grinding(well most of them) It sounds somewhat surreal.

2. The kick in the fast passages. Same thing as with the snare. Sounds very surreal and I would use a weaker kick here as well...

3. If you have the chance, record the guitars with a real amp(cause it's podxt here isn't it?). It's a great guitar sound but you just can't get out of that Poddish vibe without using a real amp.

The song rocks and I like the orchestral parts as hell!!