New song done.. new mix, and again completely done with cans..

Jun 2, 2005
Hey guys, did another song called "veil of sin"..
and i would really like to hear you people comment on this one!

It's still a rought mix, meaning i am still going to work on the drums on the busy trash parts, some work on the kick as well, and how do you all like the overhead in the mix?


POD XT.. the same one i used on bastard breed.. adjusted it a bit to have more agression in them.. just two tracks.. i left the BBE alone.. just C4 and some EQ.. nothing more.


Reason bass.. i love that one, did tweak it a bit this time.. more... (drumroll)... bass!


same old good old DFHS again... kick sample is Andy's.. did tweak quite a bit to my own liking.

Snare is DFHS as well.. and it's the pearl 3 i believe.. lot's of EQ on it, a lot of compression as well.

rest is DFHS..


symphonic choirs... does anyone have any clue how to treat choirs at all in a metal song or just in general? i just slapped some EQ on them and mixed them in.. do they need to be a bit louder on the chorus parts?

some synths in there as well.. just the ones you get with nuendo..


The one on top called "veil of sin"..

and another link here:

Oh, and the guitars are sloppy here and there.. the will be better on the final version..

Please let me know what you think of the mix.. whatever you would improve on it, post it. it helped me a great deal with bastard breed as well last time!

AAAHH!!! the snare reaalllyy stands out on this man!! realy cool!!! what did you do to it? and overall its a realy cool beefy mix!! maybe a BIT to much (or to dry) snare but thats about it. awesome!!

Sounds pretty solid. The drums or the whole mix is a bit overcompressed to my ears. Guitars are pretty heavy, bottom end is really good, high end is not perfect but on a good way. :)
Where do you got the choir samples from? I'm searching for stuff like that.
Bob does it again. Will have to crank this LOUD when I get home.

The orchestral part was wonderfully done composition wise.
Cheers everyone!


Snare was the 14" pearl 3 in DFHS.. i really dig that snare the most.. problem is, that one wont stand too much reverb or it will sink too deep in the mix..

Rcomp on it.. remember the settings you asked in a thread about the snare needing to be heavily compressed? like Devin Townsend does?
Well, i took those settings as a starters point, and worked on that a bit till it sounded good to me...


The samples are from my east west symphonic choirs package 9 DVD's of goodness..
if i could, and i mean if my damn PC wont keep crashing on me when i try, i could make them sing things as well.. but i decided to keep them like this for now.. just aah's and ooh's...
What would change on the guitars high end to get them better?


Thanks.. i used Edirol's orchestra for the strings and contrabass section.. ensemble as well.. all done in nuendo's poopy crappy sequencer... :p

I agree on the kick needing more "thump" or low... will look into that..


Yeah.. crank it up! also, be sure to give me some of your honest feedback!

thanks for listening guys..
wow I would love to try out that Symphonic Choirs package. What did you pay for that? I guess it must be pretty hard on the computer eh?
As i mailed Bob this afternoon, it still sounds good if i walk into another room or turn on the vacuumcleaner. Then it would sound good on any soundsystem, i guess.

Black Neon Bob = the second coming of Sneap?:D


It takes a lot of space, you will need a lot of RAM as well.. a good CPU wont hurt as well.. i have 2 GB RAM, and 2.8 CPU... it works, but i still have problems with it when i combine it with nuendo.. however it's my only option for now..

I believe it's 35 GB worth of samples..

Haha.. yeah.. i do almost have the same last name though!

That vacuumcleaner thing.. i need to try that tonight as well!
Black neon bob said:

The samples are from my east west symphonic choirs package 9 DVD's of goodness..
if i could, and i mean if my damn PC wont keep crashing on me when i try, i could make them sing things as well.. but i decided to keep them like this for now.. just aah's and ooh's...
What would change on the guitars high end to get them better?

I guess it's impossible to filter it nicer, maybe it's because it's no real amp. The high frequencies is the thing that all emulations suffer from the most. So, it's not your fault. :) But for an emulation it's really great I think.
yeah man was good, i think the synth's should be higher though, me likes a lot of synths :) but apart from that sounded nice, and at 4:09 i think it is when you hit that last chord, it all sounds fucking ace man.
Black neon bob said:
Yeah Unicorn.. the highs are horrible on anything digital out there.. POD XT, V amp.. software as well..

I have a V-amp and a real amp.
I think the best emulator hights I've heard has this freeware guitarsuite plugin.
But there seems so be like a strange resonating frequency in the mids. Anyone the same feeling? Like no matter what you play, a narrow band stands out. Maybe it's my guitar... :ill:
Bob, what are the RComp setting you used on the snare? I have DFHs and I've been having trouble adjusting to it from DHF2 in the terms of the bleeding being more realistic. I guess I should slap myself because I never learned how to deal with raw tracks before, I've always gated and compressed drums before they ever hit the DAW, kinda handicapped in that area for that reason. I've been opting to just turn off all the bleed lately in Superior so that I can get tracks done quickly instead of having to mess with the drums for 4 hours. I really like your track, very well put together, and I guess you could either turn the guitars up just a tad (2-4db) or turn some other things down? Guitar tone is actually good, drums sound great, choirs and synth stuff sounds great. I think somebody already said it but the kick could thump a little more, for my taste anyway. Keep up the good work! Cheers.

I'm listening on a crappy soundcard atm, but if you got it to sound good on this crappy thing, it's probably not a bad mix. I was suprised that the snare was that pearl from dfhs, I don't think I've used that one in a song yet. I'll give it a shot. Cool song, like the epic feel.