Praises To The Warrrel Machine

yeah, i don't like the album at all. boring instrumentation and the song arrangement is horrible. i think my favorite song on the album is the sisters of mercy cover.

i give it a "meh"
I think he wanted the instruments muted so his voice was the main thing you hear. But yeah, I agee, they're TOO stunted.
I know it was. But I hate metalheads, especially when they say slays and love Metalocolypse.

I'm also barred out which has proved to make me say very mean things.
I like metaloclyps too....*ducks* Especially the grocery store episode. I also like Robo chicken and Harvey bird man that comes on in the adult swim line up.

Oh and I forgot about Aqua teen hunger force. :D

Back on topic, I completely adore WD solo album! I'm obsessed!