Pratical question about Sample Rates

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys,

I was handed a project with cubase session files and they're all in 48khz, Im exporting the stems of each song for mixing and when I do the Batch Export should I choose to export at 24bit wav 44.1khz or leave it at 48khz and mix that way and then when printing the final mixes, do it at 44.1khz? I never mixed at 48khz, dont know if every plugin works fine with it, so Im not sure if I should do it or not.

Even though it might not matter as much, there is that extra detail there in the audio since it's at 48khz. I would mix with the files as are, that way you don't remove any information prior to mixing. Once it's being mastered, that's when I would convert down to 44.1khz.
Yeah, that's what I'll do. I never mixed with 48khz files before so hopefully everything works fine, I was just worried about certain plugins/nebula behaviour on 48khz since I never tried it but it should be exactly the same. So you're saying that when Mastering it should be already converted down to 44.1khz? Or only when printing the final masters should it be converted down to 44.1khz?
You might have to try it two ways. I ran into a situation where if I got my master done (-0.3db) and THEN converted to 44.1khz, it caused some oversampling peaks the tracks would clip. I couldn't figure out if it's something with the way Sonar down samples or what, but I had to kind of find a work around.

For mastering, I'll do comp, eq, etc .. pretty much everything except raising the volume (which I do with FG-X), and then I'll convert that to 24bit 44.1khz, reimport and then raise up to -0.3db and then dither down to 16bit. Seems to work fine for me, just requires an extra render in the step.