fixing a sample rate screw up


May 9, 2006
So, today i went to the studio to track percussion and bass crap and the other guy who works with me left some scratch tracks to record those things over. So, i recorded a bunch of percussion, a bunch of bass guitars and them I noticed something : the sample rate on Nuendo was 44khz (he forgot to set it at 48khz) and on the outside converter (a Mytek) it was 48khz. Result : We actually recorded audio at 48khz but Nuendo wrote it as 44khz.

So, like this, the sound was OK, but if i changed the sample rate on Nuendo OR on the Mytek it went all out of sync or higher pitched or something screwed up. I tried importing the files on another project and it didnt help at all.

What can I do to 'fix' this ? Besides re-recording from the outputs on another interface ? Can i put the ADAT out of the studio's interface on the ADAT in of my interface, both set at 48khz and 'recover' the audio ?

Re-recording is not an option, btw.

the only way i know of is to convert the current sampling rate to which you desire, that will change depending on your DAW, but you will have to convert the songs/tracks up to 48 and then reupload them.

the above post seems like a good one, look around for converters and find the best one that will work for your situation.