Pre-ordering BotE

I WAS going to pre order it but I want it on the day of its release :) so I'm getting the train through to Middlesbrough first thing Monday morning to make sure I have a copy on 21st :tickled: :loco:
Slasher said:
I WAS going to pre order it but I want it on the day of its release :) so I'm getting the train through to Middlesbrough first thing Monday morning to make sure I have a copy on 21st :tickled: :loco:

they have trains in borough now next thing youre be telling us the locals have started wearing shoes ;)
Raven = Cheeky Booger! :p You have just promted a thoguht though...DO TRAINS RUN ON EASTER MONDAY?! :erk: hmmm...You can mock middlesbrough as much as you like! I hate the place :tickled: You can't breathe for the pollution :erk:
Thanks for that site dude :) 'tis a handy site thanks! Traincomes every quarter to the hour :p :tickled:

Are there any fellow guitarists out there who know any tabs for 54 songs?? If so; please get in touch!
done some calculating on sites
HMV works out at £15.99 at £13.45
MVC at £11.99 (but they still haven't got Blaze's album in, so wouldn't shop there)
Virgin at £13.99

anyone checked out any other sites?

my problem is, i don't know where i'll be on release day, as i'm going home for easter that weekend
i knew that i would not be able to get post on monday so i decided to order it from a store ,
i rang the HMV at the metro centre in newcastle and they are open.
they said they didnt know if they would have that order coming in so they have taken a n order for me anyway.

and i will be outside the door at 9 am/ 10 am depending on when it opens, ready to receive in my hands what ive been dreaming of for the Last three years.
tho i dont think RW realised how early he had to get up on the bank holiday when he aggreed to taking me:p or taht he'll also have to spend the entire day listening to it as well :p but then we can go shoppin and go see maiden tribute at trillians in the evening YAYAYA

OMG I HAVE just exploded with muchos joyous!! :p
No point my pre ordering from stoke, i rarely have the ability to get to the place. Im just gonna have to hope my bank lets me have a debit card within the next 3 or so months.