Pre-pre-party vids


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
...are now being uploaded to here:

They're a bit dark but not too bad. The sound came out slightly better than I was expecting.

I'm going to go to bed and let the FTP upload run. These are BIG, so if you think they're worth sharing, feel free to mirror them for me 'cause this is a lot of bandwidth. :)

Sadly, I happened to be outside and out of earshot during Glenn's rendition of "Margaritaville." Hope someone else got it... :(

There are a couple more that I'll get up there later, including "Dream Warriors," "War Pigs" and the Rick Astley song. :headbang:
Esa, thanks!

I've updated the filenames to make it easier to see the song-titles.

Heavenly Call, others will have to fill in the details on some of them, but Andy Engberg (Lion's Share, etc.) is on "Heaven and Hell." Carina Englund (Tom's wife) and Rikard appear on "Dancing Queen." AngraRules is one of the singers on "We're Not Gonna Take It" (Curufin joins in later).

Now uploading a few additional ones; hope it finishes before we have to leave the house for good. I probably should zip these suckers. :lol:

EDIT: they're all up there now.

"Warpigs" has my friend Ripper singing, only because the "karaoke dude" didn't have any Cradle of Filth. :lol:
Ha! I figured I'd find SwordLord by heading right to the Queen song. Right-o.

I can identify SwordLord as second from right, and I think Brent from GA (not sure what his screenname is) is sharing Sword's mic.

Damn it's killing me to not make it this year. Theocracy tonight :(
Hey Pellaz thanks for the quick upload of the videos!

It sucks not being able to make it this year, but at least seeing the videos from last night made it *Almost* as if I were there. Awesome!

Now if only you could record and upload the whole weekend...
Pellaz said:
Heavenly Call, others will have to fill in the details on some of them, but Andy Engberg (Lion's Share, etc.) is on "Heaven and Hell."

Sean Shields of Halcyon Way is the other singer on the Heaven and Hell video.

:headbang: That joker can sound just like DIO - even when he talks. He's damn good.

alright... got my approved camera, everyone's tickets, plenty of tunes, and the car gassed up. On my way to the Pre-Show Party! WooHoo!!!
Awesome pipes, dude!
Thanks for the plug there! Add me to the list of people who had an absolute blast that night! I think getting a hug from Glenn after singing "Together Forever" by Rick Astley is going to be the highlight of my weekend. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Wow, so me and Matt and Drooooooooo made it to the internet on video!!
It was amazing. While thanks to the liters of booze we consumed the talent part was lacking, we had lots of fun and got the crowd going lol...

rockyracoon said:
Karaoke was awesome. I enjoyed listening to everyone who sang. But I would love to see a seriously updated song book for next year.

Seconded. Apparently the 'metal karaoke dude' had (or made) a lot of friends amongst us PP folks, but he just didn't seem to have much metal beyond Dio, Sabbath, Maiden, etc.
Worse, he didn't allow anyone to bring up their own CDs to sing with, something which other karaoke deejays can do -- my friend Josh allows this, for example, on Monday nights at The Office, a bar on Indian Trail in Norcross. Seems like this ability would have been a no-brainer for a group like ours.