Pre-Pro Demo for The Schoenberg Automaton Full Length (Axe-Fx, Parker, S2.0)


Ur Friendly Bitch Piglet
Feb 15, 2004
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hey guys.

Darren (use_Sora01) has done a pretty nifty job at mixing up this preproduction version of one of the songs to be featured on the album (which we hit the studio on the 16th of July btw).

The song is called "ULTIMATEWHIRRINGENDMACHINE" (yes, all in caps).

Guitars were as minimal editing as possible (hence some sloppy sections due to time constraints) using my live tone patch on my Axe-Fx Ultra and my Parker Fly Mojo.

Tuning is Drop C.

Bass is a Spectre Euro 5 tuned to GCGCF

Daz can probably answer all your other mix related inquiries. Whirring End Machine - Test mix 2.mp3
Kick has a very weird high end to it. Almost sounds like something is rattling around(yes I know this is samples so it's definitely not that). Personally I would enjoy a nudge more sustain on that snare.

Toms could use some definition/boom on em.

Otherwise the levels of everything seem to be nice and even with nothing sticking out although toms could afford to stick out more. look forward to hearing the rest.
I feel like the rhythm guitars could use more mids.

Noted! I need to update to Firmware 11 and have a muck around with some new settings.

Kick has a very weird high end to it. Almost sounds like something is rattling around(yes I know this is samples so it's definitely not that). Personally I would enjoy a nudge more sustain on that snare.

Toms could use some definition/boom on em.

Otherwise the levels of everything seem to be nice and even with nothing sticking out although toms could afford to stick out more. look forward to hearing the rest.

For sure :) However there won't really be much more pre-pro that I'll show everyone.
There will be another version of this song popping up soon with vocals and legit drums but yes.

I'll have to borrow that Countryman off you Joel and get you involved in the guitar tracking when that all kicks off.

For sure :) However there won't really be much more pre-pro that I'll show everyone.
There will be another version of this song popping up soon with vocals and legit drums but yes.

I'll have to borrow that Countryman off you Joel and get you involved in the guitar tracking when that all kicks off.


Get at me on FB with proposed dates for guitar tracking, as mentioned if I'm not busy with the countryman at the time it is all yours.
Damn, I initially read the title as 'ULTIMATEWHOREGRINDMACHINE'. Thought it was better that way :(

Will take a listen to the clip after I get back from the studio!

I prefer it that way now too Ermz. Hahaha!

Nothing like the word "whore" for motivation :lol:

It's true. It's one of the holy words of motivation, not unlike "proceed" and "cocaine".
Nice man, I've been using the 5150 model live lately with a VHT 2/90/2, firmware 11 tightened things up a bit.
Still not 100% happy with my live tone but getting there!
Yeah it takes a while to get used to; I use a poweramp but only for on stage volume... I just run straight to the desk.
Did that recently at the gig we played in Melbourne with Psycroptic and we used their soundguy. Sound check went similar to this;
*chug chug*
"fuck I love those things... next guitar"

And Ermz; WTF happened to your post man? There was some good feedback in that shiz.
And Ermz; WTF happened to your post man? There was some good feedback in that shiz.

I realized you hadn't actually asked for critique, and then I read it was a pre-pro mix rather than a potential final. So I thought my comments were misplaced.

With using the Axe live... I've heard numerous times that people don't consider running the thing here because a vast majority of local venues have underpowered house PAs. Have you experienced problems like that over your way?
I realized you hadn't actually asked for critique, and then I read it was a pre-pro mix rather than a potential final. So I thought my comments were misplaced.

With using the Axe live... I've heard numerous times that people don't consider running the thing here because a vast majority of local venues have underpowered house PAs. Have you experienced problems like that over your way?

Ahhhh well they were good comments anyway - I'll take them in mind when doing some remodelling on the guitar tone. :wave:

As for the axe stuff; I'm going to have to say no.
If I'm worried about stage volume, I use a poweramp and cab so I can feel what's going on behind me, otherwise it makes no difference in the slightest.
I literally rock up, unplug the house cab mic and use the same XLR for Output 1. A quick level adjust as per soundy's requests and we're good to go. Had nothing but extremely positive responses.