Pre-show party bullshit roped off area.

Purveyor Of Evil

Heavy Metal, INC.
Mar 17, 2003
Hughestown, PA.
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Does anyone else agree that segregating the non gold badge from the gold badge people is wrong and unfair for the pre-show party? My buddy and I are coming from Pa. Over a 1,600 mile round trip. And now we are going to have what seems like candy dangled in front of a baby by keeping us away from the bands behind a roped off area like lepers. I went to the BW & BK 6-pack weekend in Cleveland last week and this nonsense didn't happen there. The band members mingled into the crowd and were more than pleasant to us. This is a case of the haves versus the have-nots. Especially since gold badge tickets are not available to the general public. This practice is wrong and should be overturned immediately! I have as much right to hang with the bands as anyone else! How can I talk to them during the shows? I want to see basically every band. When will I have time? No one should be made to feel like a second class citizen. This gold badge stuff is bullshit anyway! We all should have equal rights to seating and to the pre-show activities. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. Glenn, thank you for what you do. I REALLY mean that. But this segregation shit is just plain wrong!
Well from what I rememeber at PP2 and from reports of PP3 and PP1...the bands mingled like crazy and not just at the pre show parties. At PP2 I would run into Superior and Evergrey everywhere I turned. The bands were very accessible, hanging out at the hotels, the venue. Starting convo's with everyone. I don't think meeting the bands will be THAT much of a problem. Gold Badges are set up to have a differene from regular tickets and this is one of them. WOuld you like it if the pre party was ONLY for GB Holders and no one else? At least you can get to it.

Seriously...i think you will meet plenty of the bands at PP4. We are all there to just rock out and have a damn good time!

First, I have no input on the pre-party. I simply lend them the name. However, I will say that you have been a bit misled.

The Gold Badge members get a private hour with the band members. Once the doors open, it simply becomes a party. My understanding is that the "roped off" area is not a segregation. It is simply an area that the band members can go if they become overwhelmed by the fans. This way they are not chased off. In the Utopian metal world, all bands would be accesible to the fans. However, you have to be realistic iwth some of the headliner type bands. Blind Guardian made a quick exit because they did not want to do a 3 hour signing session last time. Hansi was basically mauled from the start. They wanted to have a few beers, relax, and mingle with the crowd but were unable to do that once the regular doors opened.

At the actual venue, the majority of the bands have mingled the entire weekend with the fans including official signing sessions for all bands that wish to participate. I expect the same from all bands this year with the exception of Nightwish since they have the early departure on Saturday morning.

As for the BW/BK comparison, where do you think they got the blueprint for their festival eh?

As for Gold Badges being bullshit, I would simply like to point out that I front all of the money out of my own pocket for this show. Gold badges allow me to do this show as I collect the money up front. Without them, there is no ProgPower. People don't realize that the promoter of any show does not collect money from Ticketmaster until two weeks AFTER the show. Do you think the bands, hotels, gear, etc, etc simply say, "ok, you can pay us two weeks after the show"? I love backseat drivers that second guess things they have no clue about.

Next time, before you start throwing accusations around with reckless abandon, how about simply asking what the real deal is?

Glenn H.
Emerald Sword said:
Does anyone else agree that segregating the non gold badge from the gold badge people is wrong and unfair for the pre-show party? My buddy and I are coming from Pa. Over a 1,600 mile round trip. And now we are going to have what seems like candy dangled in front of a baby by keeping us away from the bands behind a roped off area like lepers. I went to the BW & BK 6-pack weekend in Cleveland last week and this nonsense didn't happen there. The band members mingled into the crowd and were more than pleasant to us. This is a case of the haves versus the have-nots. Especially since gold badge tickets are not available to the general public. This practice is wrong and should be overturned immediately! I have as much right to hang with the bands as anyone else! How can I talk to them during the shows? I want to see basically every band. When will I have time? No one should be made to feel like a second class citizen. This gold badge stuff is bullshit anyway! We all should have equal rights to seating and to the pre-show activities. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. Glenn, thank you for what you do. I REALLY mean that. But this segregation shit is just plain wrong!

Seriously, get a clue Mo. First off, there is absolutely no reason to compare Glenn's festival to the BW & BK festival. Different promotoers do things differently (that's it). Second, where do you get your information about GB's not being available to the general public? I have a few GB's, and guess what, I am part of the general public. You should really think aqbout what you are saying before you go spurting off at the mouth with nonsense. Apparently you have never been to a PP festival before. It is the most intimate experience you can imagine (for everyone), not just GB holders. And I can say that from experience since I have been to the last two. The only bullshit thing going on here is your bullshit post! Get your facts straight before you open yourself up for attack.
I didn't have a Gold Badge last year.
I didn't attend the preshow party last year.

And yet..I couldn't help but run into Tobias Sammet, Kai Hansen, and Kiko Loureiro (nevermind the rest of the bands..) wherever I went.

Come down to Atlanta and see for yourself before you start pointing fingers at the way the promoter runs HIS show.
Considering the fact they 9 of us are flying from SLC UT and I know people are coming much farther than that (like last year, Junnie from Japan..), 1600 miles is not that far. Also considering the fact that gold badge holders forked out cash (NO Credit cards) before the bands were even announced ($700 +) I think I deserve to have 1 hour with the bands- that's not alot to ask. The bands are always around just like BW&BK (I was there as well). Don't worry, the experience @ PP will be about the same, if not better. Don't feel like your losing out, it is not a big deal. This is our 3rd attendence, you will not be disappointed or left out of anything as anyone who's gone before will tell you....

Emerald Sword said:
Does anyone else agree that segregating the non gold badge from the gold badge people is wrong and unfair for the pre-show party? My buddy and I are coming from Pa. Over a 1,600 mile round trip. And now we are going to have what seems like candy dangled in front of a baby by keeping us away from the bands behind a roped off area like lepers. I went to the BW & BK 6-pack weekend in Cleveland last week and this nonsense didn't happen there. The band members mingled into the crowd and were more than pleasant to us. This is a case of the haves versus the have-nots. Especially since gold badge tickets are not available to the general public. This practice is wrong and should be overturned immediately! I have as much right to hang with the bands as anyone else! How can I talk to them during the shows? I want to see basically every band. When will I have time? No one should be made to feel like a second class citizen. This gold badge stuff is bullshit anyway! We all should have equal rights to seating and to the pre-show activities. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. Glenn, thank you for what you do. I REALLY mean that. But this segregation shit is just plain wrong!

Are you the reincarnated Martin Luther King JR.?
If I made a mistake I'm man enough to admit it. Apparently such is the case. Glenn, I told you yesterday I appreciate you having this show. I just happened to make an error. I'm sorry and no hard feelings. Anyone else ripping me can kiss my ass! We're all supposed to me Metal Brothers and Sisters! Everyone makes mistakes. I apologized for mine. Now let's rock!!!
I said I was sorry, and still the small minds have to take cheap shots. Well I hope none of you ever make a mistake again in your life, because if you do, I hope you all get crucified, too. Get over it! I fucked up. Shit happens. Glenn has the the only opinion that matters and I already told him I apologize for not getting the facts. It was a heat of the moment reaction. I'm not going to get into any silly ass war of words with anyone over my error. Let's move on and jam out to the best fucking metal the free world has to offer!
In addition to being a great song by Rhapsody, I would assume an "emerald sword" would be a... *drumroll please* sword. Ever see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"? Remember the Green Destiny sword? There ya go.
chibitotoro said:
In addition to being a great song by Rhapsody, I would assume an "emerald sword" would be a... *drumroll please* sword. Ever see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"? Remember the Green Destiny sword? There ya go.
Actually it is because of the great RHAPSODY tune. Not for any other reason than that. RHAPSODY is one of my top five favorite bands.
No no, the sword is made of some sort of metal, but it glows a strange soft green color. That's just the one in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" though. I don't know what the deal is with the one Fabio is singing about.
Emerald Sword said:
I said I was sorry, and still the small minds have to take cheap shots. Well I hope none of you ever make a mistake again in your life, because if you do, I hope you all get crucified, too. Get over it! I fucked up. Shit happens. Glenn has the the only opinion that matters and I already told him I apologize for not getting the facts. It was a heat of the moment reaction. I'm not going to get into any silly ass war of words with anyone over my error. Let's move on and jam out to the best fucking metal the free world has to offer!

You've obviously never been introduced to the world of humor, have you?

Dude, RELAX. I was kidding with you. Damn.