Pre-show party bullshit roped off area.

Um, ok. I don't think anyone "blasted" you. Toughen up already, sheesh. The only few people who even commented were pretty much busting your chops. The ProgPower family is one BIG family, and I've yet to meet anyone who didn't get along.

The only thing you need to trust is in Glenn. You'll have a great time, AND you'll meet the bands who want to meet you. So quit yer worrying.

As Bobby McFerrin once said, "Don't worry, be happy!"
Mephistopheles said:
I love you man!
Yeah, good answer. I do trust Glenn. I just had a brain fart with my ravings. Actually, I like ALL of the bands Glenn signed up this time and would never give him flak like some have done. We all are allowed to voice our opinions. I for one though, don't like to dispute someone's taste in metal because if we all liked the same stuff, life would be boring. See you all at the show. Rock on!
markgugs said:
Dude, don't sweat it, I'll poke Tarja in the ribs and get her to wave at you.

Safely from the other side of the velvet rope of course! :)

(much knee slapping)
(much gasping for air)
(wipes tears from eyes)
(hopes I didn't wake up baby girl with hysterical outburst)

sorry, but THAT was funny, and at least he admitted he was wrong, that's one thing i like about this forum, everyone is pretty cool.