Preacher (the comic)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I don't know why, but this seems to be the appropriate forum to ask this question. Anybody ever read that Garth Ennis / Steve Dillon comic Preacher? I just found all my copies of them last night and read through a few, remembering what an awesome series it was.

Long story short, Preacher Jesse Custer goes on a mission to kick God's ass and his best friend is a vampire and they both drink a lot of beer. The premise alone kicks ass! There's also a heavily involved plot and a love story that will stand the test of time as one of the greatest ever, but back to the beer and deity ass-kicking already!!! :D
WEll hi there, DAN. :)

Because God is a big fat jerk. I would explain why, but the reasoning is laid out in explicit, elongated detail within the series. Here's a review of the series:

I was hoping some in here would have heard of or read Preacher... maybe I'm just too old. :loco: It's on DC Comics Vertigo line, which is pretty much the sick and twisted world of adult comics, good stuff.
I have every issue of Preacher!!!!! :D
It utterly fucking ruled, it was so funny. And christians everywhere must've rejoiced after the series ended :D lol, the direct descendent of Jesus being in inbred retard hahaha

Damn, now I'm going to have to re-read it all......
yes ctrl+alt+del fucking ROCKS! It OWNS Mall Monkeys I don't know why MM is winning on Top Web Comics lately :mad: fuckin traitors! :lol:

I've seen issues of Preacher at the comic store in the past but that comic store closed and I never read an issue. Sounds interesting though. :p
Sorry I was late to reply, but yes I've read them all. Ennis is still one of my favorite comic writers. He thinks up some twisted shit. The Hitman series was also dark and twisted in a funny way, and some of the new Punisher stuff he did was the best I've ever seen in Punisher. And his one shot The Pro is hilarious for any comic reader. A superhero prostitute. Mightygreat.

But back to Preacher... Jesse is taken over by the offspring of an Angel and a Demon. He wants to know why God has left Heaven and where the fuck he went. All the angels sitting around drinking and smoking is funny, and the line.. God isn't here. he left. Classic.

Of course the stuff with Jesse's family is fucked up. And lots of other things along the way... But you failed to mention my favorite part...

THE SAINT O' KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!! This dude is so cool. And the ghost of John Wayne... ohhh now I need to reread them again. :)
Cool, I knew I would find at least a few Preacher fans here. :)

My only disappointment was the ending, I don't know, it just seemed rushed. Still love the series, I'm going to go back and read the whole thing again sometime soon.

Anyone ever check out Ennis' version of Punisher? Was it any good?
Jeez, why didn't I listen to you the first time? :lol:

Yup, a buddy of mine let me borrow some of the Hitman series, good stuff.

Ever get a chance to read The Unknown Soldier? Ennis' take on about the past 5 major wars this century, awesome stuff. :)

My favorite Preacher moment will probably always be the Angel of Death playing poker with Satan. "Who dealt this mess?" "You did." and the huge pic of the Dark Lord himself play poker: "FUCK." :lol: