Pregnant fight

Chill dudes. The reality is that there are fucked up people in all countries, of all ethnicities. I was going to interject here and say 'USA, fucked up, damn wtf etc. etc.' but the truth is that shit like this happens in Oz all the time too, except with our own special brand of rednecks.
orly? I lost it ages ago.

Yeah, I kind of lost track of when I lost it. I think hope pops up every now and then, but somebody does or say something that makes hope cry itself to sleep.

Oh, and I fuckin' love stereotypes. It instantly makes my judgment for me. So I stay way from blacks, whites, and muslims. Mexicans are ok because they can build shit and have unlimited nachos.
Are you a black woman? Black women hold that stereotype through word of mouth,tv, movies, etc. and by seeing lots of videos of "real life" black women we foreigners make ourselves the idea that the stereotype is true. If you think that should be deleted you need to shut the fuck up and get the hell out of the internet

You fucken serious?
relax everyone, that video was shot in california. black chicks aren't like that in the rest of the country. j/k.
Chilax guys even in wee ireland we have stupid scum this is what we deal with


Isn't Ireland a bit like Scotland anyway, we only have two racial denominations: A) Gingers and B) Everybody else.
Haha I´ll go to Ireland, flight is already booked :D I´m really looking forward to it, even more after seeing this vids :lol:

Make sure to check atlone on your trip

and check this guys skills

ireland we love our motorsports
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I'd like to know how the FUCK kids from Australia and Denmark would know the first thing about black women in America? Did you learn from watching TV? If you think this video is somehow representative of American black women in any way you are fucking lost. Seriously you should delete those posts.

How exactly are Williamn and Harry Hughes, 'kids'?