aw thanks!
i will sum up my birthday weekend here (my birthday actually really sucked for a while but i got over it)
Well, Friday night my niece, best friend, sister, and brother in law all got to NYC around midnight. We sat around and played vice city for a while and then my best friend and I went home and I fixed her haircut because it was awful and she was too cute to have a shitty one.
Saturday went as such: (my birthday) went to a food festival. Could not eat any of the food. Became delirious and famished by about 3 pm because I hadnt eaten since 5 am. Saw stars (floating around my head). junky friend's parents call to say he sprung himself from a psych ward after flatlining on an overdose last tuesday. spent 4 hours calling around for him until he showed up at a friend's house and i guess he's doing okay but the situation is crap....
Went to a macrobiotic restaurant finally. Some PSYCHO started dissing my niece and he literally said some people may think LOUD BABIES ARE CUTE BUT I DONT!!!! and then he refused to take his food, pay for it, or stay. And he stormed out while I was verbally assaulting him muttering asshole and ohh thats real macrobiotic and peaceful of you, DICKWAD
etc etc. gave the niece some tofu. Ate some rice FINALLY at like 5. i thought my sister was going to rip his face off.
Went out to a Mexican restaurant so my sister could have margaritas. Ate more rice. Watched people get drunk. Had fun. Got a digital camera, a book by eminem, a rolex, and a bunch of awesome candles my friend made me. Also got $40 and a violin tuner. Saw the guy from frog and toad on the street and he winked at me. Some French perv hit on me at a guitar store and I told him he had fetus face because i said 'i am with him' (pointing to my brother in law, because i was in the store with him!) and he said 'he's not your type!' which i thought was really rude.
Sunday, AIDS WALK. Was totally awesome. Like, millions of fun people there. They played sean paul a lot and I danced. My niece kept thinking everyone was clapping specifically for her and she was totally psyched that thousands of people were into her so she did the raise the roof about 1,000 times.
Came back, read a book my michio kushi and ate MORE RICE.
The end.