Presonus Digimax models - what's the difference?


Feb 20, 2005
So I'm planning my future purposes, and am planning on getting a Digimax of some sort to augment my semi-soon-to-be-purchased Fireface. In investigating the range, though, I'm somewhat confused as to the differences between the Digimax FS and LT.

So naturally, one would think the LT would be better, if nothing else because it costs $800 while the FS is $600. But the odd thing is, they don't really seem to be related to one another. For example, the FS has two ADAT ins and outs, for transfer of 8-channels of audio at higher sample rates. And more importantly, on Presonus' website, the specs of the preamps for the FS actually look better than the LT, in that the FS has a lower THD (.003% vs .009%) and a higher signal-to-noise ratio (101 dB vs 98 dB).

Also, the FS actually seems to have a DAC as well as an ADC, whereas the LT is ADC only (which is all I would need it for). Basically, I just find it frustrating that they aren't just a lower and higher increment on the same model scale; instead, they seem to be unrelated, and it brings to mind the fact that the Firestudio apparently has crappier converters than the lower priced Firepod, for example, so I wonder if this is a similar situation.

I should mention that the quality of the preamps is more important than the quality of the converters, cuz I'll have 6 analog ins to work with on the FF that can handle the conversion for awhile (until I can get a real sweet preamp or two, which of course will take precedence but won't be for awhile anyway!)

Any thoughts guys?

Oh, and here's the FS and LT on Sweetwater, and the FS and LT at
I had both for a while, and I ended up keeping the FS, and selling the LT. Soundwise they were pretty much the same. Neither being much better or worse than the other... I used the FS far more often than the LT
Great timing on this thread, I was wondering the same thing, being that I'm going to be purchasing one or the other this year, now I'm leaning towards the FS. Thanks guys!
Hmm, just realized that the LT actually doesn't have any analog outs at all! Though it is made in the US, whereas the FS is made in China, and while this isn't necessarily a QC death sentence, it is enough to give me pause. How did the construction seem to compare between the two, ryanojohn?
well the build quality of the LT is great in that it's got super sturdy knobs and cab handle quite a beating, the FS is a bit heavier, seems to have a stronger casing, but the knobs (although metal) can be bent (done it...). I really just love that it's got DAC, and most importantly runs at 88.2 if you want it to. I've found that they both sync GREAT to other units, haven't ever had any weird jitter problems, and they both find clock sources accurately. I've rarely ever had any weird digital problems with them, but the FEW times I had, it was actually with the LT not the FS.

In all honesty I can't imagine buying an LT again... I don't really know why to spend the extra 300...

Plus at GC you can get the FS for about $370 ish... just wheel and deal!
OH but I did get an inline attenuator though, the FS had no pad on the pres, and sometimes you've just got a hot mic... and you can get 'line in' by using the insert return (unbalanced) if you JUST want to use the converters...:err:
Kickass ryan and egan, excellent info! I assume the inserts are a TRS jack, with the send on the tip (that I could use as the output) and the return on the ring? At this point, I'm leaning towards the FS, but they're so close that I'll probably end up going for the one I can get a better deal on!
FWIW my LT has run flawlessly for 8 years. If you need analog outs for some reason you can use the inserts.
that'd def work for unbalanced outs after the pres. I like the DAC outs on the FS though... and yep the insert is TRS Tip Send, Ring Return
From the presonus forums.

The Digimax 96k is an eight channel mic preamp with analog peak limiter and balanced analog TRS as well as multiple digital outputs. It provides sample rates of 44.1 and 48 via standard ADAT optical and sample rates of 44.1, 48k, 88.2, and 96k via SPDIF or AES. The 9-pin output is user-configurable to either AES or SPDIF, and 3 8-channel digital output cables are available: 4x RCA SPDIF, 4x XLR AES, and db9 to male and female db24 ProTools HD cable. The DM96k has BNC wordclock input and output.

The Digimax LT is an eight channel mic preamp with digital output via standard ADAT optical at 44.1 and 48k. It has a TRS insert jack on each channel. The Digimax LT has BNC wordclock input and output.

The Digimax FS is an eight channel Xmax mic preamp with balanced TRS output, TRS inserts, and digital output via ADAT/SMUX with sample rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96k. It also features an ADAT/SMUX input with eight balanced analog outputs. The DM FS has BNC wordclock input and output and features the latest generation Jet-PLL jitter reduction technology incorporated into it’s clock and converters.

Many people ask why the Digimax FS seems to be a more economical choice than either of it’s two predecessors, yet seems to do as much or more than the other units in the Digimax line. This has much to do with advancements in our design techniques, as we have learned to design both converters and preamp circuits in a much more cost-effective manner and with more affordable components. While it can be used in any system that offers ADAT input, it is designed to expand the analog I/O of the FireStudio. It uses the same XMAX preamps and A/D D/A converters as the FireStudio for seamless integration. When used with the FireStudio, it not only expands the number of inputs, but adds additional outputs for monitor routing as well. This routing can be controlled from within the FireStudio's Control Console.

The Digimax LT and Digimax 96k are manufactured by hand at our facility here in Baton Rouge in smaller quantities and utilize some more expensive metalwork and components. The Digimax 96k, particularly , is given a very carefully engineered external powersupply unit, hand-built and individually calibrated, in an all steel housing. Both the Digimax LT and 96k use a large toroidal powersupply transformer. Additionally, the Digimax 96k addresses certain needs such as it’s ability to interface directly with high end ProTools systems via AES and to provide high quality dual-domain compression and peak limiting in the analog domain for applications such as drum tracking. The Digimax LT was designed to work with interfaces such as the Digi 001 and 002 for clients who needed the most straightforward solution for adding 8 pristine mic preamps to their system but did not need a lot of extra features.
hey thanx for the infos about that piece of gear. i was not really considering it but I may change my mind...

How does it stand against more expensive 8ch ADAT unit like the Onyx 800R, RME octamic, Focusrite octopre, .... ?

I just ordered the Digimax 96 to go with the 003 Rack I ordered; do any of you guys own one and have anything to say about it compared to the other Digimax models? I probably could've gotten away with the FS but if I'm going to go cheaper on something I figured it definitely shouldn't be the pres. Plus those limiters should come in handy as I always track too hot! Also, the meathead at GC told me that I wouldn't be able to record in 44.1 through ADAT, only 48... is there any truth to that?
I'm pretty sure the "no 44.1 K via ADAT" is horseshit - as for the Digimax, it'll probably have the same preamps as the LT, but if the limiters are useful to you, then stick with it, I guess!