Difference between presonus digimax D8 and presonus fp10?


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
hey whats up!

im about to buy the presonus digimax d8, and already have the fp10( love it )

but i cant find the big difference for the digimax d8 , maybe better preamps?, yes.. but do they work with the same purpose? i need another 8 inputs to records drums tho...

im a bit newbie on audio interfaces!

so would i be able to record condenser mics and dynamics with only the digimax d8 like any other interface with normal mics cables?

thnks! :goggly:
You can not add an ADAT unit to the FP10. The only options to expand the FP10 are S/PDIF or daisy-chaining a 2nd/3rd FP10. I run 3 of them together with no issues.
No the digimax is just 8 preamps it cannot be connected to your computer alone you need an interface with adat in to connect it or use the outputs from the preamps into a standalone converter into your computer.