Presonus Firepod- your opinions?

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Ha you must be refering to the MOTU 828mk2 then :) I've never owned one, and I know that they are a great value (ask James), but when I had to decide which one to buy, the very high quality of the RME pre's, it's amazing converters, and the fact that it has 56 I/Os where enough to convince me. But anyway, you can't go wrong with either of those.

Ah, I think that's the one I saw for about the same price...:) Great to hear that you like the Fireface so much. So you actually like the pre's it comes with? I haven't heard much about them until now.
Yeah I think they are great, BUT I didn't A/B them against the MOTU ones which are great as well I'm sure (not that I could hear the difference anyway)... I actually have also an RME Octamic D (8 mics pres and converters, the same as in the Fireface) and am very happy with it and I'm planning to buy another one to get up to 20 discrete class A mic pres.
I did use both firepod and 828 MKII and firepod won quality wise (ADDA and pres), but 828 is more flexible when it comes to routing.
But If I had the money, I'd go for RME probably...
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Yeah I think they are great, BUT I didn't A/B them against the MOTU ones which are great as well I'm sure (not that I could hear the difference anyway)... I actually have also an RME Octamic D (8 mics pres and converters, the same as in the Fireface) and am very happy with it and I'm planning to buy another one to get up to 20 discrete class A mic pres.
The pres on those things may be good and all, but they are certainly not discrete class A...
"Thanks to sophisticated discrete Class-A technology"
I'm not even sure what this means... however, without going into too much detail about this, and without seeing the actual circuitry, I don't think these are all discrete class A pres... I can say that I have never seen a discrete class A mic pre for less than, let's say, $400 a channel... the day I see one (and it sounds good, of course) will be the day I buy it...
cobrahead1030 said:
i'm planning on picking up a firepod probably this summer (as soon as i upgrade to a better PC!!!)

If you want a Firepod, let me know when you're looking to buy. I'll probably sell the one I have to move on to a FireStudio.