Preview of the new Porcupine Tree

This sounds can definitely tell that it has some Opeth influence. I'll be sure to check out the new album when it comes out. I'd also like to see them on their summer tour, but it looks like the closest they'll come to me is Baltimore, MD...that's about 8 hours away from me. :(
Steve picked up a little Opeth influence after hearing Still Life and producing BWP. And Opeth got a little PT influence. I bet if you let them be near each other for long enough, you'll just have two identical bands, and then they'll fight for the spot.
Originally posted by LordHypnos
It has an opeth influence? haha....try opeth has a porcupine tree influence.

That's true as well, but if you are saying that particular song hasn't any Opeth influence, you must be... unable to hear Opeth influences. :D
Excellent song, successfully integrates both the experimental (who here has picked up Stars Die, it's awesome...) and melodic phases of the band, with a metallic section reminding me of Russia On Ice. Is that image that appears in the animation going to be the album cover?
I'm listening to the song now for the first time and it fucking rules. I've got my tickets for the New York show, it's gonna be awesome. Now if Opeth could just get back over here...

BTW, I'd recommend Lightbulb Sun for a newbie(which I was not to long ago).