Previously unreleased amateur Pain of Salvation footage from PP USA I

I'm a HUGE Pain of Salvation fan and love all their albums with the exception of 12:5 - I can't stand that album. Horrible horrible horrible. Re-arranging the dongs like that did not work well, and changing songs from minor to major was a big fail in my book.


The "Leaving Entropia" re-arrangement is one of my favorite things they've ever done.

And I guess if we're being controversial, major key "Ashes" is better than the original. :kickass:
And for the record, I really enjoy 12:5. I wish more bands would release acoustic live albums like they did.

Oh yeah, another acoustic one featuring rearrangements coming soon! Yay!
Generally the first four are the safest bet. The Perfect Element is the best album ever, period. Remedy Lane is probably the most accessible. As a Kingcrow fan, you should love PoS considering they sound pretty similar.

So I'm listening to the Perfect Element..........Is it just my copy of the cd or did they make them all 1 track long? So you cannot go track to track. There is a track listing on the cd, but one track about 72min long. Just curious as that's kind of annoying.
So I'm listening to the Perfect Element..........Is it just my copy of the cd or did they make them all 1 track long? So you cannot go track to track. There is a track listing on the cd, but one track about 72min long. Just curious as that's kind of annoying.

My copy was not one track, if I remember right (don't have it on hand at the moment).
Thanks, looks like a got a bad cd.

There were some bad copies sent out when TPE was first pressed as I have one of them as well. Myself I just bought another copy at a later date (the limited edition version) and consider the single track copy a possible collectors item.
There were some bad copies sent out when TPE was first pressed as I have one of them as well. Myself I just bought another copy at a later date (the limited edition version) and consider the single track copy a possible collectors item.
Yep, I have a single track one as well.
Thanks for posting this, great video!

In regards to Pain of Salvation's discography, I like their recent stuff.

I am not a huge fan of Road Salt 1, but Road Salt 2 is phenomenal! One of the band's best.
I'm going to come back to these when I have enough time to fully watch each. But they sound surprisingly good all things considered. I'd love to see a set of their highlights from the first four albums. Too bad that time has passed.