Private torrent sites?

Yeah I'm trying to get an invite to one of the private ones, I hear they're really fast (I've heard up to 1mb/sec... but im skeptical) and have a lot more stuff. The public ones usually aren't TOO bad... sometimes even good.
Black Core said:
most of the times, you have to pay to gain access to the private ones

Sorry but im a member of too many private sites to even care to mention.

They always max out my 2mbit adsl connection (200KB/s). Just on one private tracker, this is my stats.

Ratio: 1.099 Uploaded: 114.30 GB Downloaded: 104.04 GB

Pretty tame but like i said above, im a member of too many of them. :rolleyes:

I could arrange invites but first thing first..

1.) Do ya seed back what ya download to at least a 1:1 ratio (upload exactly or more than ya download).

2.) Read up the damn rules of the site and behave. Trust me its hard but fucking worth it!!!! :heh:
