Google +

I don't have Facebook, but I won't mind checking out Google+.
It seems it lacks everything I hate about Facebook.
Anyone wanna invite me? digizaurus at yahoo dotcom
Is it possible to have a business site on Google+ only? Don't want a personal profile there.. Facebook is already bad if you know anything about data privacy (and no, it's not about what you decide to share or not so share with others, because Facebook / Google can look at everything anyway) Google is WAY worse. I'm not feeling so good thinking how they have access to everything I google, the things I shop, all my emails (gmail), what websites I visit, how often I do so and how exactly I use them already, and now with Google+ all of my personal info, the people I know, etc. It's even in their terms and conditions that they can use, share and sell all your information but I guess most people don't care.
I'm sorry man but what exactly is so bad about Google knowing all of this? So ads pop up for things related to what you have searched for? Just... ignore them? I don't get it. I seriously want to know though, not trying to be sarcastic or anything.