Slack - Audio Engineering chat space

Giving this a little June bump - there's 40-50 of us now and I'd say 15-20 really constant users. I'm not on as often as I'd like lately but it's always a great resource/place to bounce ideas/get advice/learn about new techniques and whatnot!
I admit I'm not using it much, I find the log-in and navigation a little bit confusing and it somehow got out of my daily routine, gonna bookmark the directlink somewhere to show up more often !
It makes more sense now that I'm using it on the go !
I can see it very useful for projects as well. Create a page for a project and have people exchange there. Is there better alternatives ?
It makes more sense now that I'm using it on the go !
I can see it very useful for projects as well. Create a page for a project and have people exchange there. Is there better alternatives ?

Slack is IMHO the absolute best workchat style program out there. Others in the game include Asana, Yammer, Hipchat, Basecamp, etc. Slack kills all of them.

Especially Hipchat.

Hipchat fucking sucks.

Hipchat is the lupus of chat software.