Prize Possessions

The crappy pocket knife my grandfather carried every day of my life and long before that is the only possession I have that I couldn't realistically part with. Go ahead and try and take it and I'll go all Varg into your skull with it you materialistic cunts.
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What on earth is your problem? How does this explain anything? What's wrong with any of those things?

Why don't you post your camera, guitar, car, and mp3 player and then we'll decide. Actually no, I don't care, you're just a useless troll here. No one is defined by the products they own, and anyway these were the best in their class when I bought them.

Gotten lighten up, duderino
As much as I like "stuff", I don't think I have anything off the top of my head I could call "prized". I do have a few items that aren't made anymore like what I have, and I prefer the model variants that I own. So I would or will be irritated when they bite the dust, got lost, etc. Probably starting with my polarized Oakley Whiskers.
My NWN! Master's Hammer die-hard purple LPs that the band got mad about and it inspired them to start making new music.
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What on earth is your problem? How does this explain anything? What's wrong with any of those things?

Why don't you post your camera, guitar, car, and mp3 player and then we'll decide. Actually no, I don't care, you're just a useless troll here. No one is defined by the products they own, and anyway these were the best in their class when I bought them.

I was mostly fucking with you, but I do find it hard to understand how someone can consider an iPhone a prized possession. I care more about the half empty can of pre-mixed bourbon I'm currently drinking than most of my electronics.

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Give me until Friday, it's at my parents. When I moved to be with my then-gf, I decided it was simply too many boxes to have to move with me so I just left it there. Lmao.
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I have no idea how many magic cards I have, but it is too many. Don't have any P9 or anything but atleast ~15 dual lands. :)
Like, Alpha duals? Jesus christ.

I don't have any P9 OR dual lands. Didn't start playing until Onslaught. But I'm pretty sure I have a Force of Will somewhere.
Besides my dead parts collection I'm also very fond of my video game stuff. From genesis to the more recent consoles, handheld and otherwise, with plenty of near mint games for all of them.

Used to have super Nintendo and a goddamn Atari. Still working on acquiring those again. Once I have some real money I wanna start collecting pinball machines and arcade systems.
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Speaking of that wtf has happenened with NES prices the last couple of years? Most games atleast here used to be really cheap but now even pretty common games and without the box/manual sell for lots of money.
I was mostly fucking with you, but I do find it hard to understand how someone can consider an iPhone a prized possession. I care more about the half empty can of pre-mixed bourbon I'm currently drinking than most of my electronics.

iPod, not iPhone, and *shrug* it's full of my favorite music and gives me more enjoyment than a bottle of bourbon.