Pro tools 9

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New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
Sorry to flog a dead horse guys but I'm a complete noob to digidesign

I've always been a Cubendo sort of guy,

So can somebody clarify if I have a profire 2626 which obviously isn't digidesign
But I've read on previous threads they may have done away with the "you can only use it with our gear" sort of attitude?

Can somebody shed some light in how I'd go about it or is
It just a case of buying m powered 9?
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Seriously?

Please, keep posting. I'm having such a great time over here.

But yeah, you can use your 2626 with PT9.
Simmer down.

You could have easily checked one of the 6,031 PT9 threads started in the last month and found your answer in any one of them.
WE are the trolls? Are you KIDDING ME?

Can reamping be done with Nuendo? Can I use my interface with PT9?

You're the troll, brozinski. Still having a great time with your posts in case you were wondering.
006 said:
WE are the trolls? Are you KIDDING ME?

Can reamping be done with Nuendo? Can I use my interface with PT9?

You're the troll, brozinski. Still having a great time with your posts in case you were wondering.

Well the second question was warranted since digidesign are pretty much the third Reich and your clearly one of there little fuckhouse choir boys
Dude, I've done my best to help you out here, even though it's been pretty obvious you don't even bother to go through the answers you are given, and now you call me a troll? I don't consider myself as someone who frequently goes off at people, and I hope the majority of the people who know me would tend to agree, but this shit is getting just absolutely fucking ridiculous.

It's shit like this that makes me consider joining the ranks of those who have already fucked off from this forum, and day after day it seems more like it might not be a bad idea at all. Fucking cracked Nuendos, bad attitudes, and all-in-all just generic stupidity. Fuck this.
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