Pro Tools Help anyone? (opening a session)


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I am doing some editing for a friend's song and am having a problem opening the session. It takes literally 10 minutes to open. The screen sits on restoring/locating audio files for about 9 and a half of the 10 minutes. The session is only 3 gigs. And I have opened sessions much larger much faster.

The session was originally done with an HD rig on a mac and I am opening it in pro tools LE 7.1 on a PC. Which makes it the first time I am opening a session from a HD system, though I have opened ones on my rig from many TDM sessions.

Weird things...there are *duplicate* files for every audio file. For example there is the audio file tom 2_3 and then there is a file named ._tom 2_3 and all of these ._ files are 1kb. I have tried moving them out and just deleting them but it didn't help.

The session runs ok once I have it open, but it is quite frustrating waiting the 10 minutes to open it. Any help is much appreciated.
consolidate the files and clear unused and auto created regions. 3 gb is big for one song