Pro Tools question (MIDI)

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.

So is there any simple way to automate CC data without having to draw it in manually or am I stuck doing it like that...

Because I just automate a midi plugin in cubase to do the same thing (auto LFO for those interested).

Basically I'm trying to automate the Freq filter on a syth for some cheesy warble bass (in my case using reason so CC 74 and CC 79). There is a plug that just DOES this in cubase, but I imagine I would have to draw it in on pro tools? Can I at least write in the automation data and copy and paste it to the selected bars I need?

How do faster/better midi? ¯\(°_o)/¯

I'm gonna go fuck with it, I'm just a little bummed it won't be as fast.

Hmmmm.... also not sure if this was the correct place or not. This might have been better in the equipment sub forum but I derno.