Pro Tools Question


Jan 24, 2012

I have ProTools 10 and still get annoying 6101 and 9128 errors once i start mixing, Ive tried every suggestion to make it go away, i can minimize it by having the exact/proper settings for task at hand but its still a nuisance. When i check the box "Ignore Errors During Playback and Record"I do not have problems, nor to be honest rarely hear a pop or click, my question is, does this only affect what im hearing on playback or can it actually affect the audio? if so why would that button be a choice?
Cheers guys.
If there is a pop or click I believe that would be present in the bounce? I dunno actually I've never checked that box.

What are those errors again? CPU and what else?
If there is a pop or click I believe that would be present in the bounce? I dunno actually I've never checked that box.

What are those errors again? CPU and what else?

I think you are right, i think its safe practice to have it off when bouncing/printing.

Its basically just PT10 is shitty on resources, ive tried every configuration, when i get a decent amount of plugins go it happens.

The Errors Are 9128 and 6101
Heres a link:

Im running a mac mini server with 8g ram, separate os/protools drive and separate samples/projects drive, the computer itself is a little beast, only a protools issue, spontaneously happens. Running firewire using RME Fireface 800. Cheers.