Pro tools virgin (help)

Apr 30, 2006
Well guys I booked out the Pro tools HD studio in my uni from 9am-5pm tomorrow. Only problem is I have an artist coming in and I don’t want to look like a dick. The setup in there is a Mac pro, control 24 and Hd1 I think with Dynaudio BM15A monitors. I have never used pro tools in my life only Steinberg products. I’ve heard stories of people not even able to send a click through to headphones in pro tools :ill:. I just need some basic advice on signal routing, tempo maps, loading and mixing down a project if possible. Also does saving the project as an .OMF enable Cubase to open it accurately? I should really invest in some new Maudio products, but can't afford it right now. Anyways, even the slightest bit of help would be much appreciated and thanks again for such an awesome forum.:kickass:
Well guys I booked out the Pro tools HD studio in my uni from 9am-5pm tomorrow. Only problem is I have an artist coming in and I don’t want to look like a dick. The setup in there is a Mac pro, control 24 and Hd1 I think with Dynaudio BM15A monitors. I have never used pro tools in my life only Steinberg products. I’ve heard stories of people not even able to send a click through to headphones in pro tools :ill:. I just need some basic advice on signal routing, tempo maps, loading and mixing down a project if possible. Also does saving the project as an .OMF enable Cubase to open it accurately? I should really invest in some new Maudio products, but can't afford it right now. Anyways, even the slightest bit of help would be much appreciated and thanks again for such an awesome forum.:kickass:

treat it like a regular console...PT isn't that difficult to learn.

for tracking it's real easy, just arm the tracks and hit rec.
and you don't have to mixdown while the artist is there, right?

consolidate all the tracks and export a midi-file...

import that midifile to cubase (later) to have tempo and markers etc, then just drag/drop the aif from the PT audiofolder into Cubase
here's a few tips:
- first thing you should do is check your disk allocation. make sure it's set to your project folder. you can check your plackback engine also if you want.
- second, you should make a template. after you get it all set up the way you want, save the ptf file, then ctrl click and get info. Select stationary pad. CMD o in pt and open the ptf and select save as new project. that should make song changes quick for you.
- check to make sure pre fader metering is selected
- delay compensation(options menu) should probably be off while tracking.
- is your click already made? do you need to build it? Usually you create a hardware send(pre fader) on the tracks you want to send to the artists headphones. Patch those hardware outs to your cue outs, if it's not normalled. At my school it's usually A 3-4. There's a create click track selection in the track menu i believe.
- 3 on the number pad is a quick way to start recording. CMD .(period) will stop recording and undo what you were just recording.
- get a friend who knows PT to help you.
Cheers for the help guys, just so happens that I have obtained a Cubase project of the full song (tracked with a pod and shitty lm4 drums). This at least helps me sort the pre production out at home and now with your advice I can go in and track the guitars, hopefully hassle free. If anyone fancies making me a project template with 8 stereo tracks with 4 of them sent to a group track and 200bars of 4/4 at 155bpm with 2 bars of 4/4 pre-count that would be fabulous (although I hope newer versions of pro tools will be compatible with the older version in the uni). How is pro tools for cycle (tracking) recording?