Lolita Vampiriá
Sister of Mercy
a) your current gender?
b) your age?
a) a girl
2. member of weird subgroup, e.g. metal-rednecks?
a member of Metal Club Mökä (tm)
3. how much money you use to cosmetics per month?
I don't count the money I spend on those things, anything from 0 - 1000
4. what do you do yer face if you "make-up" yourself.
daily: put on moisturizer twice a day, some random make-up products and wash them off in the evening
special occasions: anything is possible and i try new things every now and then
5. how much you do these "removing-things" like picking your eyebrows or shaving the hair out of you gums?
I pick my eyebrows every other day
b) do you cut your own hair?
huh no way!
6. your fingernails are long enough to work as murderweapons, what do you do?
kill someone?
7. what do you think of the lenght of your/your closest male friend´s firegadget?
no comments
7. do you have any good tips that you wanna give to others?
don't pick your eyebrows too thin i.e. make yourself look like a prostitute from Estonia (no offence to Estonian ladies)
8. on scale from 1 to 10, how scary is that someone has eyebrows taller that 3 cm? (not referring to myself, yet)
taller? you mean thicker? aka Brezhnev look? it's better than no eyebrows at all
a) outer or inner beauty?
oh bugger, is that a Miss Finland contest type of a question?

b) only ugly people say that inner beauty counts?
everything counts in large amouts (depeche mode)
c) you´re lying or what?

a) if you prefer women: is moustache a murder?
moustache on women? no thanks.
moustache on men (aka amisviiksi)? no thanks.
b) if you prefer men: guys makes up, a murder (to be commited)?
make up looks good on some guys. sexah
11. what do you think of your face? is it really beautiful or ugly as hell-l?
you + och - ?
sometimes I'm content with my face but most of the times not
12. when you grow old and you natural beauty flees like a fucker, will try to use surgery to catch some old times? What is you opinion on operations-
of-that-kind anyway?
never say never.. I think people with wrinkles are not unattractive, it's natural to grow old and look old(er)
13. name one really handsome male and one really beautiful female.
post a link or picture if you have time.
my mother and father
a) your current gender?
b) your age?
a) a girl

2. member of weird subgroup, e.g. metal-rednecks?
a member of Metal Club Mökä (tm)
3. how much money you use to cosmetics per month?
I don't count the money I spend on those things, anything from 0 - 1000
4. what do you do yer face if you "make-up" yourself.
daily: put on moisturizer twice a day, some random make-up products and wash them off in the evening
special occasions: anything is possible and i try new things every now and then
5. how much you do these "removing-things" like picking your eyebrows or shaving the hair out of you gums?
I pick my eyebrows every other day
b) do you cut your own hair?
huh no way!

6. your fingernails are long enough to work as murderweapons, what do you do?
kill someone?
7. what do you think of the lenght of your/your closest male friend´s firegadget?
no comments

7. do you have any good tips that you wanna give to others?
don't pick your eyebrows too thin i.e. make yourself look like a prostitute from Estonia (no offence to Estonian ladies)
8. on scale from 1 to 10, how scary is that someone has eyebrows taller that 3 cm? (not referring to myself, yet)
taller? you mean thicker? aka Brezhnev look? it's better than no eyebrows at all
a) outer or inner beauty?
oh bugger, is that a Miss Finland contest type of a question?
b) only ugly people say that inner beauty counts?
everything counts in large amouts (depeche mode)
c) you´re lying or what?
a) if you prefer women: is moustache a murder?
moustache on women? no thanks.

moustache on men (aka amisviiksi)? no thanks.
b) if you prefer men: guys makes up, a murder (to be commited)?
make up looks good on some guys. sexah

11. what do you think of your face? is it really beautiful or ugly as hell-l?
you + och - ?
sometimes I'm content with my face but most of the times not
12. when you grow old and you natural beauty flees like a fucker, will try to use surgery to catch some old times? What is you opinion on operations-
of-that-kind anyway?
never say never.. I think people with wrinkles are not unattractive, it's natural to grow old and look old(er)
13. name one really handsome male and one really beautiful female.
post a link or picture if you have time.
my mother and father