Probably my best guitar tone so far

Yeah, that's a decent guitar sound you have here.
Very curious about the chain?
<edit> I can see 6505 in the filename, but what impulse or cabinet did u use? </edit>
I didn't expect this was a 6505 tbh.
It's my mesa standard cabinet.
Don't tell me you thought it was an ampsim... I'll just get a rope. lol
Wow. Thanks. I wish I was half as good as Andy 5 or even 10 years ago.:lol:
Actually, I tried to calibrate my ears to The Blackening. :loco: Damn.
Very nice! Reminds of the Sneap tones from about 5 years ago. :headbang:

+1. This tone is sick.

And to the guy who thought this was ampism...


Edit: Burny, what were your 6505 settings? (if you don't mind sharing them)
I'm trying to dial-in my 6505. I also have a a TS9 in front. Any specifics would be awesome! Thanks.
Thanks. No problem.

Maxon OD808 : OD: 10 o'clock, Tone 12 o'clock, Balance 12 o'clock
6505 normal Gain/Red Channel
Gain 5+
Low: 10
Mid: 2
High: 5
Reso: 9
Pres: 9.5
Post: 2 (I believe there's room for improvement here)

Mesa OS / sm57 near the center of the cone
ART MPA gold driven Hard (first time I do this on guitars, pretty cool...)

A fair bit of limiting in the 80~150 area
Slate VCC Mixbuss API model
LP @10khz HP@75Hz
liiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit harsh on my ears, may wanna shelf off some of the highs with a soft analogue EQ. in a mix context this tone would drown out vocals... but you said it's not mixed yet so i'll give ya the benefit of the doubt ;] when tracking, if i'm not sure, i always err on the higher/ more shrill/fatiguing end of things, cause it's much easier to tame that then it is to inject life into a tone that's too dark/dull. IMO.
i swear theres a note off in that riff...

likin the low mids and chunk of them, but am getting a little harshness off the upper upper mids
Agreed. A bit harsh indeed. Also listening back, I am annoyed by the slightly nasally mids but that's still a nice improvement over my previous attempts.
I suspect that 4 identical sounds don't stack all that well. I wish I could afford a Krank.
lwhen tracking, if i'm not sure, i always err on the higher/ more shrill/fatiguing end of things, cause it's much easier to tame that then it is to inject life into a tone that's too dark/dull. IMO.

Definitely something I had in mind my doing this one. I usually always end up with muffled tones and it seems to me like no software eq can fix that in a natural sounding way.
I'm hearing a little too much bottom end on some parts could just be my room though. Otherwise great sound dude, posts like this definitely make me wanna not use amp sims. ever.