Probably my best lead tone but what about the rest?

lead tone is absolutely killer

the rhythms ... this is not a bad thing in any way ... they have an almost early 90's sound to them which is actually really cool

rest of the mix ... well, I wish my mixes sounded as good. Great job man!
Sounds good already. I'd suggest you cut some 100-300hz and 2khz-3khz as well as 1.2khz, maybe boost the rest of the low end and the presence just a bit.
Whoa that organ with the toms sounds so odd ... love that :D

/In the beginning I was like "epic tom sample" then I was like :err: and then like :worship:.

/Very nice/modern sounding mix generally, great leads also.
I'd probably have some more low mids going in and cut some of the "modernness", but thats just me.
can't offer much constructive crit, just to me the production, the band and the song are all jaw droppingly awesome.
The music reminds me of good Dream Theater (especially those leads!), and the rhythm tone is quite Children of Bodom-ish. Great job. Only thing is that the drums seem kinda lo-fi/natural in comparison to the guitars. I would brighten the snare a touch.
Thanks guys for the comments, much appreciated! :)

The band wants to go for a more natural sounding snare drum, but they liked the punch of the first snare I did, so we'll try to find a good compromise. Problem is that I have a lot of hi hats in the snare mic and can't crank the highs...

I agree about the "good" Dream Theater comparison, hence maybe that 90's sound, but with more of a power metal touch. Will post another track in a few hours. Still love that lead tone :D
High/High mids sound a bit weird/cluttered on my end. Music is really cool but vocals kind of ruin it for me.
the high toms sound a bit weird, and some things are a bit too bright and harsh for my taste. but I'm loving how "real" this sounds, professional as hell.
In the second clip the voice sounds weird. Seems to be in another room that the rest of the instrumental. I agree also about the brightness of the guitars.