Probably my best lead tone but what about the rest?

Some strange things happening in the high-end for me and I feel the vox could be compressed much more... effectively?

Mix is GOOD but tends to get a bit messy for me......! Could be an arrangement thing, not sure.

Love the drums =D
Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated.
I don't really see what to do about the high-end, guitars are a bit bright but that's what the band wanted and they have a nice precision, everything is clear to me (I think... ?).

Don't know about that "poor reputation" alert, someone told me that before (wasn't that you?) but I have no idea what to do to change that. Should I even care? :D
Ça sonne bien, mais j'ai l'impression que la voix pourrait être mieux mixée, EQ and compression-wise. The whole mix seems to lack a bit of low-mids too, but all in all it sounds very spacious and defined. Lead tone is great, as you mentioned!
Honestly, considering the number of comments about the harsh sound and the mid-lows missing, I think there MUST be something wrong here, so I will definitely talk about that to the band (even though they are very happy at the moment). Probably just a bit of mastering EQ could fix it, but I'm always very cautious with that because I don't want to fuck up my levels. Cheers everyone.
Keep in mind guys that this is prog metal, not metal core, so it's more about definition and musician-ship than power and being-pissed-off-ship :)
And I'm quite glad their awesome bass player can be heard almost all the time :)

The chain for the guitars is:

Ibanez RG1527 (both guitar players have this guitar, one has the stock pickups and the other has DiMarzio D-sonic in the bridge and Air Norton in the neck)
Dunlop Zakk Wylde Cry Baby (not on all leads though)
Maxon OD820
Peavey 6505
Torpedo VB-101

No EQ.
This song sounds good actually. Maybe you can find there are some low mids missing but it's not a tragedy, I like how it sounds. Definitely something you can fix in mastering with a gentle boost there.

Leads are indeed awesome. Guitarists are ace.